
Feb 27, 2011

Me-Made-March 2011

Zoe, sa bloga So Zo... What do you know? po treći put organizuje veoma zanimljivu igru: samoj sebi je postavila izazov da svakog dana u periodu od jednog meseca nosi garderobu i/ili aksesoar koji je sama napravila. U toj igri joj se pridružilo mnogo kreativaca širom sveta prethodna dva puta kada ju je organizovala:  u maju (Me Made May) i septembru (Self Stitched September) 2010. Ovog puta sam rešila da se i ja priključim izazovu, a to možeze uraditi i vi, ako želite. 
Pravila su jednostavna. Sami odredjujete koliko težak će biti izazov: da li ćete nositi isključivo sopstvene rukotvorine ili ćete nositi minimum jednu stvar koju ste sami napravili. Slike vaših dnevnih kombinacija postavljate na Fickr sajt, u za to definisanu grupu. Prijavljujete se za igru na Zoe-inom blogu, ostavljanjem komentara sledeće sadržine na njen post:

'I, (insert name here and blog address if you have one), sign up as a participant of Me-Made-March '11. I endeavour to wear

......................................................... each day for the duration of March 2011'

Ja sam se odlučila za lakšu varijantu, budući da je još uvek veoma hladno u Beogradu, i da veoma zavisim od rolki koje me greju tokom zime, a koje su kupljene a ne ručno pravljene. 

Dakle, obavezujem se da ću svaki dan tokom meseca marta 2011. godine nositi minimum jednu stvar koju sam sama sašila.

Zoe, from the blog So Zoe... What Do You Know? has organized for the third time a very interesting game: she made herself a challenge to wear self made wardrobe and/or accessories every day during one month. Many creative people around the globe joined her in this game the last two times in May (Me Made May) and September (Self Stitched September) 2010. I decided to participate in the game this time.
Rules of the game are simple. You decide yourself what challenge you're going to put yourself to: whether you're going to wear entirely self made clothes, or at least one garment per day. You put photos of your daily outfits on the Flickr website, in a group specially formed for this challenge. You apply for the game by leaving a comment with the following content on Zoe's post:

'I, (insert name here and blog address if you have one), sign up as a participant of Me-Made-March '11. I endeavour to wear

......................................................... each day for the duration of March 2011'

I opted for easier challenge, since it's still very cold in Belgrade and I'm depending on store bought turtlenecks to keep me warm.

I, AnaJan from, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-March '11. I endeavour to wear at least one self made garment each day for the duration of March 2011.