
Mar 21, 2011

MMM '11: Dan 21 / Day 21

Dan dvadeset prvi:
  • Bluza - kroj iz Burde 10/2005, #112. Košulja ima nabran okovratnik. Malo sam izmenila rukave - produžila ih i malo proširila oko zgloba, kako bih dobila nabore. Takođe, dodala sam manžetne.
  • Pantalone - već prikazane četvrtog dana.
  • Kaput - S kaput, već prikazan petnaestog i devetnaestog dana.

Day twenty first:
  • Blouse - BWOF pattern 10/2005, #112. The blouse has a gathered neckline. I slightly altered the sleeves – I lengthened them and made them bit wider in the wrist area and added cuffs. That made this puffy effect I like very much.
  • Pants - already shown on day four.
  • Coat - the "S" coat, already shown on days fifteen and nineteen.