
Mar 22, 2011

MMM '11: Dan 22 / Day 22

Dan dvadeset drugi:
  • Suknja - kroj iz Burde 1/1998, #103. Ovaj kroj je identičan kao kroj za suknju koju sam prikazala drugog dana. 
  • Jakna - kroj iz stare Burde iz 1998. godine, sašila sam je pre desetak godina. Ovaj blejzer mi je posebno drag, jer je to bila prva jakna kojoj sam ispravno prišila postavu. Blejzer više ne nosim tako često, jer sam u međuvremenu sašila dosta jakni koje su mnogo urednije sašivene, a perfekcionista u meni se naježi svaki put kada vidi greške iz ranih dana. Ipak, ova jakna čini savršenu kombinaciju sa kariranom suknjom.
  • Košulja - već prikazana osmog dana.

Day twenty two:
  • Skirt - BWOF 1/1998, #103 pattern. The pattern is identical to the pattern of the skirt that I showed you on the day two.
  • Jacket - the pattern comes from an old BWOF from 1998, I made the jacket approximately 10 years ago. The jacket has a sentimental value to me, since it was the first time I applied properly the lining on a jacket. I don't wear the jacket as frequently as I used to because I made a lot of better jackets after this one and a perfectionist in me wants to scream every time she sees the flaws from her early days. However, the jacket is a perfect match with the tartan skirt.
  • Shirt - already shown on day eight.