Mar 29, 2011
Inspiracija sa TVa - The Closer / Inspiration from TV - The Closer
Da li ste imali prilike da gledate seriju The Closer (ne znam zvaničan prevod na srpski), u kojoj Kira Sedžvik igra mudru, pronicljivu i pre svega odlično obučenu detektivku Brendu? Ne bih sada da ulazim u detalje serije, niti da raspravljam o tome koliko je ovako strukirana odeća udobna za rad na terenu i jurenje negativaca (gde li drži pištolj, pitam se?), jer to nije poenta mog posta. Ali, pogledajte tu garderobu! Volela bih da mogu da zavirim u Brendin orman i pozajmim par stvarčica...
Do you watch the show The Closer, in which Kyra Sedgwick plays smart, witty and, above all, perfectly dressed detective Brenda? I don't want to talk about the details of the show, nor to debate about practical side of her fitted clothes (I wonder where she keeps her gun?), since it's not the point of my post. But take a look at this clothes! I'd like to sneek in Brenda's wardrobe and borrow a few things...