
Mar 31, 2011

MMM '11: Dan 31 / Day 31

Dan poslednji...
Huuuh, dođosmo i do kraja martovskog izazova! Moram priznati da mi je bilo jako zanimljivo ovih dana dok sam uklapala svoje ručno rađene stvari jedne s drugima. Mnoge kombinacije sam po prvi put uklopila minulih dana, i ostala prilično iznenađena kada sam shvatila koliko dobro izgledaju. Neke od svojih stvari sam ovog meseca nosila mnogo više nego minulih meseci, pa čak i godina. Uz neke stvari sam našla neočekivane nove kombinacije, tako da mogu da zaključim da je ovaj izazov bio ne samo zabavan, nego i veoma koristan!
I danas nosim već viđene stvari, košulju i jaknu. 

The last day...
Pheeew, the end of the March challenge is here! I have to admit that I was having a lot of fun matching my self made clothes with each other. Many of the outfits I showed you were matched together for the first time, and I was quite surprised when I realized how well the garments looked together. I wore some of the garments more frequently during this month than I used to in the past few months, or even years. I styled some new unexpected outfits, which brings me to conclusion that the challenge was not only fun but very useful as well!
Toady I'm wearing the already shown garments, shirt and jacket.

MMM '11: Dan 30 / Day 30

Dan trideseti
I danas ponavljam već viđene stvari. Prvi put sam uparila ovu košulju i kaput, i bila iznenađena time koliko lepo se slažu.

Day thirty
I'm showing again some already worn garments. This was the first time I paired this shirt with this coat, and I was surprised by who well the two matched with each other.