
Apr 1, 2011

Me-Made-March 2011: Epilog / Epilogue

Mart je bio prilično zanimljiv mesec, a Me-Made-March izazov se pokazao kao pravo otkriće. Tokom meseca sam nosila svoju ručno rađenu garderobu, kombinujući je, prema potrebi, sa kupljenim stvarima. Ukupno, iznosila sam 40 svojih stvari: 13 bluza/košulja, 10 suknji, 8 jakni, 5 pari pantalona, 3 kaputa i 1 haljinu. 
Moj lični izazov je bio da ne ponovim istu odevnu kombinaciju tokom celog meseca, u čemu sam i uspela. Druga zamisao koju sam imala se nije 100% realizovala - želela sam da svakog dana prikažem novu stvar, koju nisam pokazala prethodinh. Moram da priznam da je ovaj plan propao ne zato što nisam imala još stvari u svom ormanu, već zato što nisam imala vremena da ih opeglam! Neke od košulja koje imam zahtevaju da ih prethodno nafajtam, kako bi se pamuk glatko ispeglao, a taj deo postupka mi je nekad bio previše mrzak ili naporan. 
Takođe, jedan dan sam preskočila (20.3.), ali sam zato drugog dana (12.3.) imala dve kombinacije, tako da sam zaokružila mesec sa 31 outfitom. 
Omiljena kombinacija mi je bila ljubičasta haljina, a najviše komplimenata sam dobila za outfit od 16.3.
Imala sam i par ličnih iznenađenja:
Ove tri kombinacije su mi posebno drage jer sam otkrila nove načine da nosim svoje stvari. Sada mi te kombinacije izgledaju očigledne, ali tada su mi bile kao otkrovenja :).

March was a really interesting month, and the Me-Made-March turned out to be a true revelation. During the month I wore self made wardrobe that I sometimes styled up with some RTW garments, depending on the need. I wore total of 40 garments: 13 shirts/blouses, 10 skirts, 8 jackets, 5 pairs of pants, 3 coats and 1 dress.
My personal challenge was not to repeat the same outfit during the month, and I succeeded in it. However, I didn't manage to materialize the other idea I had - to show you a new garment each day. I have to admit that this part of the game failed not because I didn't have enough clothes in my wardrobe, but because I didn't have enough time to press it! Some of the shirts I have require to be slightly moist before ironing them, in order to press the cotton nicely. This part of the job was sometimes too overwhelming or just complicated to me. 
I skipped one day (20.3.), but the other day I had two outfits, so I completed the month with 31 outfits. 
My favorite outfit was the purple dress, while I got the most compliments for the outfit of the 16.3.
I had a few personal surprises:
I'm specially fond of these three outfits because they gave me new ways to wear my clothes. Now all of the outfits look so obvious, but back then they were like revelations :).