
Jun 9, 2011

Me-Made-June 2011: Dani osmi i deveti / Days eight and nine

Dan osmi.
Košulja šivena po JJ kroju sa Burda Style sajta. Priču o tome zašto mi je ova košulja posebno draga možete pročitati ovde.

Day eight.
A blouse made using the JJ pattern from Burda Style website. You can read the story that stands behind it here.

Dan deveti.
Ova haljina je pokušaj da iskopiram model koji sam videla na Sigridinom blogu.
Ako do sada niste pratili njen blog, preporučujem vam da bacite pogled, jer je Sigrid veoma vešta krojačica sa dobrim ukusom. Pored toga, veoma je velikodušna i voljna da podeli sa nama tajne zanata. Ova haljina nije prva stvar koju sam napravila inspirisana Sigridinim radom.
Moja haljina nije identična bliznakinja originalne haljine, pre je njena veoma slična mlađa sestra :)
Veoma mi se dopao origami detalj na okovratniku, pa sam intenzivno mozgala pre no što sam shvatila kako se isti pravi. Iskreno, uopšte nije komplikovano! Možda postavim instrukcije za pravljenje ovog detalja u nekom od budućih postova.
Haljina je postavljena i ima nevidljivi rajfešlus na leđima.

Day nine.
This dress is a knock-off of the Knip mode dress I saw on Sigrid’s blog.
If you haven’t read her blog so far, you should really take a look, since Sigrid is a skillful seamstress with a great sense of style. Besides, she is so generous with sharing tips and tricks of the trade. This is not the first garment I made that was inspired by Sigrid’s work.
The dress is not an identical twin of the original, it’s more like a very-look-alike-younger-sister :)
I liked a lot the origami detail on the front neckline and did an intense brainstorming before figuring out how it was done. To tell you the truth, it’s not that difficult to draft it! I might post a tutorial on it.
The dress is fully lined and it has an invisible zipper installed at the back center seam