
Nov 10, 2012

Hitno potrebna pomoć čitalaca / Readers' help needed

Dragi čitaoci, potrebna mi je vaša pomoć, ukoliko možete da me uputite. Dakle, nalazim se u Rimu, i pre neko veče sam prošla pored prodavnice krojačkih lutki. Međutim, sada ne mogu nikako da se setim gde se ista nalazila, i potreban mi je vodič kroz Rim, ukoliko takav postoji među vama. Ako se ne varam, prodavnica se nalazila blizu Termini stanice (tu nam je lociran hotel, pa pretpostavljam da sam negde u blizini videla prodavnicu). Stvar je prilično hitna, pošto ostajem u Rimu do 16. Novembra. Bila bih vam jako zahvalna ako biste mogli da me uputite.

Dear readers, I need your help. I'm staying in Rome, Italy, at the moment. A few nights ago I saw a lovely dress forms' store somewhere in the town, but now I can't remember where it was. I need a guide through Rome to help me find the store. If I'm right, the store was located close to the Termini station (that's where our hotel is, and I suppose that's where I saw the store). The thing is quite urgent, since we're leaving Rome on November 16th. I'd appreciate your help.