
Dec 24, 2012

TR Masterklas, zadatak br. 8 / TR Masterclass, task no. 8

Samo dan kasnije, evo novog zadatka za TR Masterklas. Ovaj put smo trebali da dodamo vrlo specifične nabore na bluzu, koji me podsećaju na ružu. Dizajn je bio predefinisan, a na nama je bilo da aranžiramo ružu najbolje što umemo. Koristila sam izuzetno tanak saten koji se lepo drapira, i koji daje mogućnost lakog oblikovanja ruže. 

Just a day later, here's a new task for the TR Masterclass. This time we had to add very specific gathers to a blouse - these remind me of roses. The blouse design was predefined, and it was up to us to arrange the roses the best we could. I used a very thin satin that drapes well, which allowed easy rose shaping.