
Jan 8, 2013

Žongliranje / Juggling

Ovih dana neprestano šijem. Toliko da već priželjkujem malo slobodnog vremena za neke druge aktivnosti. Ipak, više od svega me opterećuje to što mi se prepliću različite obaveze, na kojima moram istovremeno tj. paralelno da radim. Do sada sam ja diktirala ritam rada, prema sopstvenom raspoloženju. Međutim, uz konstantne obaveze za TR Masterklas i Sew News časopis, više nisam u mogućnosti da čekam momenat krojačkog raspoloženja, već moram da rasporedim zadatke tako da u zadatom roku završim sve što je potrebno. Prebrojala sam sve obaveze kojima trenutno žongliram, i utvrdila njihove prioritete, rokove, kao i težinu svakog od njih, i evo šta me sve čeka na radnom stolu:

I've been sewing these days non-stop. I've started dreaming of some spare time for other activities. Most of all, I'm overwhelmed by different commitments that need to be worked on simultaneously. So far I've been defining a working rhythm, according to my mood. However, with constant commitments I have for the TR Masterclass and the Sew News magazine, I'm no longer in a position to wait for the working mojo to appear, and I need to define a working schedule in order to complete my duties in time. I've enlisted all the tasks I'm juggling at the moment, and defined their priorities, deadlines and difficulties, and here's what's waiting for me on a working desk:
  1. Uraditi domaći za TR Masterklas. Visoki prioritet, relativno teško. Potrebno vreme: 1 dan, rok: 10.1.2013.
    TR Masterclass homework. High priority, relatively difficult. Time frame: 1 day, deadline: 10.1.2013.
  2. Napisati članak za Sew News. Visoki prioritet, relativno lako. Potrebno vreme: nekoliko sati, rok: 14.1.2013.
    Write an article for Sew News. High priority, relatively easy. Time frame: a few hours, deadline: 14.1.2013.
  3. Sašiti kaput za naredni članak za Sew News. Relativno visok prioritet, relativno teško. Potrebno vreme: oko nedelju dana, rok: 15.3.2013.
    Sew a coat for the Sew News article. Relatively high priority, relatively difficult. Time frame: about a week, deadline: 15.3.2013.
  4. Otvoriti rupice za dugmad na maminoj košulji. Relativno nizak prioritet, veoma lako. Potrebno vreme: 15 minuta, rok: u narednih 10ak dana.
    Sew buttonholes on mom's shirt. Relatively low priority, very easy. Time frame: 15 minutes, deadline: in 10 days.
  5. Popraviti suknju za mamu. Relativno nizak prioritet, relativno lako. Potrebno vreme: par sati, rok: u narednih par nedelja.
    Fix mom's skirt. Relatively low priority, relatively easy. Time frame: a few hours, deadline: in a few weeks.
  6. Završiti haljinu za drugaricu. Veoma nizak prioritet, relativno teško. Potrebno vreme: nekoliko dana, rok: do Juna 2013.
    Complete the dress for a friend. Very low priority, relatively difficult. Time frame: a few days, deadline: June 2013.
Uz to, dodajte i krojeve i stvari koje treba da napravim za SITAM ispit (iako ispit još nije zakazan, okvirni plan je da na proleće utvrdimo datum, a do tada bih morala da imam sašiven bar deo potrebne garderobe): suknju, pantalone, bluzu, haljinu, blejzer (kao minimum).

Add to this patterns and garments I have to make for the SITAM exam (even though the exam hasn't been scheduled yet, a rough plan is to set a date on spring, and I need to have at least some of the required garments made by then): a skirt, a pair of pants, a blouse, a dress, a jacket (as a minimum).

Ono što mene u ovakvim situacijama buni nije logičnost koraka, već želja da radim na određenoj stvari. Recimo, trenutno sam veoma raspoložena da šijem novi kaput. Takođe, volela bih što pre da završim haljinu koju sam počela da šijem drugarici, jer se plašim da će mi radni elan splasnuti ako se šivenje previše razvuče. Ambicija da se pokažem i dokažem na TR Masterklasu je velika, pa mi je veoma bitno da svaki zadatak uradim kvalitetno i uredno, a to traži vreme. I naravno, na SITAM ispitu želim najbolju ocenu, a to znači da moram da sašijem dosta stvari (više od traženog minimuma), i one moraju biti savršene, a za to je opet potrebno vreme i koncentracija. 

What confuses me in these situations is not the logical schedule, but my desire to work on a certain garment. For example, I'm in a mood to sew a new coat. Also, I'd like to finish the dress for a friend ASAP, because I'm afraid my working enthusiasm would disappear if the project is taking too long to finish. My ambition to prove myself on the TR Masterclass is really high, and it's very important to me to finish each task well and neatly, which requires time. And off course, I want to get the best grade on the SITAM exam, which means I need to sew a lot of garments (more than the required minimum), and they need to be sewed perfectly, which requires time and concentration.

Kako se vi borite sa ovakvim situacijama?

How do you deal with multitasking?