
O Štepalici / About Štepalica

Dobrodošli na Štepalicu! 

Ja sam AnaJan iz Beograda. Imam trideset i neku godinu, po struci sam inženjer informatike, i mnogo volim da šijem. Šivenjem se bavim iz hobija, već 20 godina, i potpuno sam samouka. Počela sam sa lakšim krojevima iz Burde, prepravljala stare stvari i pravila nove, i malo po malo nadograđivala svoje znanje i veštinu. 

2008. godine sam se učlanila na sajt Burda Style, sa kojim sam ostvarila i neku vrstu saradnje - moja bluza je objavljena u jednoj od publikacija sajta 2009. godine. 2010. sam sarađivala sa Burda Style na izradi Burda Style Book knjige, koja je objavljena 1. Novembra 2011. godine. U knjizi je objavljena bluza koju sam šila tim povodom.
2010. godine sam pisala 2 tutorijala za sajt, koji su imali za cilj da pokažu kako se postojeći kroj može iskoristiti da bi se sašila potpuno drugačija stvar. Tutorijale možete videti ovde i ovde.
U Novembru 2011. godine radila sam kao stažista Burda Style na izradi nekoliko kreacija koje će biti objavljene na sajtu u okviru rubrike "Projekat nedelje". Prva u nizu je haljina Sirena, uz koju su data detaljna uputstva za izmenu početnog kroja, kao i za izradu veoma zanimljivih falti.
Moj profil na sajtu uključuje galeriju sa više od 140 ručno rađenih kreacija. 

Od 2010. godine pišem kolumnu Pattern Play za američki časopis Sew News, u kojoj opisujem proces modelovanja kroja na osnovu postojećeg osnovnog šnita. Moja haljina je objavljena na naslovnoj strani Junsko-Julskog izdanja časopisa za 2010. godinu.

2013. sam završila online masterklas kod Shingo Satoa, gde sam savladala tehnike Transformational Reconstruction metode krojenja.

Od 2013. godine prodajem svoje krojeve pod nazivom Stepalica Patterns. Takođe, neke od krojeva za garderobu objavljujem na Download tabu bloga, odakle se mogu skinuti potpuno besplatno u PDF formatu.

Još par detalja o meni možete pročitati ovde.

Štepalica je osmišljena tako da vam pruži uvid u to šta šijem, i kako pravim krojeve za neke od svojih kreacija. Nadam se da ću vam preneti nešto od svog znanja, ali i da ću naučiti nove cake zajedno sa vama!

Welcome to Štepalica! 

I am AnaJan from Belgrade, Serbia. I am thirty something, I'm a software engineer and I love to sew. I've been sewing for hobby for the past 20 years, and I'm completely self taught. I started with some easy patterns from Burda World of Fashion magazines, I recycled old garments and made new one, thus learning and developing my knowledge and skills. 

In 2008 I joined the website Burda Style, with which I had some sort of collabiration – my blouse was published in one of the website’s publications in 2009. 
2010. I worked as a contributor on Burda Style Book that was published on November 1st 2011. The book features the blouse I sewed specially for it.
In 2010 I wrote two tutorials for the website, that shows how one an existing pattern could be used and altered to get a completely new design. You can find the named tutorials here and here
In November 2011 I worked as a Burda Style intern on several creations that will be featured on the website within the section "Project of the week". The first in a row was the Mermaid dress, along with were presented the instructions for alteration of the original pattern as well as the instructions for sewing an interesting pleated detail.
My profile on the website includes a gallery with more than 130 handmade creations. 

Since 2010 I’ve been working as a Pattern Play columnist for the USA magazine Sew News. The column is all about pattern alterations and drafting. My dress was published on the cover page of the Jun/July 2011 issue of the magazine. 

In 2013 I finished Shingo Sato's masterclass where I mastered techniques of the Transfomational Reconstruction pattern making.

As of 2013 I sell my patterns under the Stepalica Patterns brand. I post some of my patterns on the Download tab of the blog, where you can download them, free of charge, in PDF file format.

You can read more details about me here.

"ŠTEP" in Serbian means "stitch", and "ŠTEPALICA" can be translated as "The girl who stitches". Štepalica is designed to show you what I sew, and how I draft some of the patterns for my creations. I hope to pass some of my knowledge to you, and to learn some new tricks of the trade with you!