
Jan 7, 2011

Pitanje za čitaoce / A question for the readers

Kada sam pokrenula blog, odlučila sam da bude dvojezičan kako bih omogućila što većem broju ljudi da ga prati bez problema. Međutim, par puta sam se zapitala da li je način na koji pišem jasan i pregledan. Zato bih volela da čujem vaše mišljenje:

  1. Da li da nastavim da pišem članke na način koji sam do sad koristila - da pišem jedan pasus na srpskom, pa na engleskom, sa slikom koja ilustruje tekst,
  2. Da li da ispišem sve na jednom jeziku, pa zatim na drugom, duplirajući slike
  3. Ili da postavljam duplirane postove, jedan na srpskom, drugi na engleskom, i time maksimalno pojednostavim korišćenje bloga?
Lin3aRosa mi je ostavila komentar koji me dodatno naveo da razmislim - nju je zbunio naziv postova koje sam pisala ovih dana, jer KAPUTT na nemačkom znači SLOMLJEN na srpskom, a reč liči na srpsku reč KAPUT.

When I started this blog, I decided to keep it bilingual in order to make it understandable to as many people as possible. However, I asked myself several times whether my writing was concise and clear. So I'd like to hear your opinion on the subject:

  1. Should I keep writing the way I did so far - writing each paragraph first in one language than in the other, with one photo that illustrates the step,
  2. Should I write everything in one language first, than translate it to other, posting doubled pictures,
  3. Should I post separate posts in Serbian and English, would it make the blog more user friendly?
Lin3aRosa left a comment that made me think about this issue further more. I'm quoting: 
"Theses posts are really interesting. However, everytime I see the title in my reader I startled because "kaput" is like 'kaputt' in German, which means 'broken'. So I ask myself "oh what's broken, what happened?". And then I remember it means "coat" to you :)"


  1. Anonymous1/07/2011

    Hi Ana, it wasn't a complaint at all, I thought it was funny. I like the way Tany does it (you can chose which language is displayed) but I don't know how it works. And I also think it's your blog, so you should do whatever works for you. We, the readers, will adapt. The content is worth it.

  2. No worries, I didn't take is as a complaint, but it made me think more about the blog's concept. So, I decided to ask you how you see it.
    The first time I started thinking about this was when my colleague, who's an avid web programmer, noted that this kind of writing probably wasn't the most user friendly one. And I'd like to make my blog usable and readable to you.

  3. Ja sam npr. jedva primetila razliku u boji fonta kod engleske verzije u odnosu na srpsku.
    Možda jednostavno samo malo veći kontrast u boji fonta za engleski tekst..., mislim da će tada čitalac vizuelno lakše povezivati u celinu svoju porciju.

  4. Hi, AnaJan! I have been a big fan of your work on BurdaStyle for a while, and have just discovered today that you started a blog a few months ago! How wonderful -- I've read through your old posts, and they are so informative and useful! Thank you. As for the format, I find it very easy to follow now (although, I don't read Serbian and only English), and I actually like that you translate it paragraph by paragraph and there is no need to scroll all the way down to the end of your original post to see the English translation. That said, whatever format you end up choosing, I'll read your blog regardless:)
