
Jan 29, 2011

"S" kaput, deo 7 / The "S" coat, part 7

Konačno dođosmo i do šivenja! Iskreno, nisam mogla da dočekam da počnem da šijem kaput, jer je to moja omiljena faza u izradi odeće. 
Kao što ste mogli da primetite u prošlom postu, spojila sam prednje i zadnje gornje delove kaputa, kao i prednje i zadnje donje delove kaputa. Pošto se keder traka umeće između njih, htela sam da je umetnem u jednom cugu, kako ne bih sekla traku.
Prvo sam prišila keder traku za donji deo kaputa. 

We've finally came to sewing! Truth to be told, I couldn't wait to start sewing the coat, since that's my favorite  part of making clothes.
As you might have noticed in the last post, I joined the front and back top pieces, as well as the front and back bottom pieces. Since the piping cord is inserted between these two sections, I wanted to attach it in one piece, without the need to cut in several pieces.
First I sewed the piping cord to bottom part of the coat.

Zatim sam našila gornji džep.

Then I attached the top pocket.

Gornje delove sam prvo ojačala štepom duž S-krive, a zatim sam napravila male rezove duž zakrivljenih ćoškova. Rezovi služe za lakše uklapanje konkavnih i konveksnih oblika. 

I reinforced the top pieces by making a stitch along the S-curve. Then I made small cuts along the curved corners. These cuts serve for easier matching of convex and concave pieces.

Nakon dosta rada, fircanja, šivenja i raspeglavanja šavova, evo kako kaput izgleda.

After a lot of work, pinning, sewing and pressing, this is how the coat looks.

Sledeći korak su paspulirane rupice za dugmad. 

The next step is making bound button holes.


  1. Anonymous1/29/2011

    Perfect fit!

  2. It looks beautiful, and the piping looks perfect!
