
Mar 11, 2011

MMM '11: Dan 11 / Day 11

Dan jedanaesti:
  • Košulja - kroj iz Burde 1/2008, #108, sa izmenama na rukavima. Obožavam ovaj kroj, mislim da sam napravila petnaestak košulja koristeći ga. Svaki put napravim malu izmenu kroja, kako bih dobila drugačiji izgled bluze.
  • Pantalone - kroj iz Burde 8/2009, #106 sa manjim izmenama. Zadnje panele sam malo izmenila kako bi pantalone bile dublje (ovo je standardna izmena koju pravim na svim krojevima za pantalone). Takođe, malo sam suzila pojas kako bi mi bolje stajao na struku. Mimo ovih izmena, pantalone su mi odlično stajale.
    Pojas je ojačan lepljivim platnom. Pošto je pojas tako visok, mislila sam da bi bolje stajao ako ga dodatno ojačam fišbajnom, ali kako nisam imala fišbajn pri ruci, malo sam improvizovala. Isekla sam trake od platna sa konjskom dlakom, širine 2cm i njih koristila umesto fišbajna. Rukom sam prišila trake za dodatke za šavove duž pojasa. Rezultat je odličan - pojas ima čvrstinu, ali je istovremeno veoma udoban.
  • Jakna - ista jakna koju sam pokazala devetog dana.

Day eleven:
  • Shirt - BWOF 1/2008, #108 pattern, with altered sleeves. I just love this pattern, I believe I made around 15 blouses using it – each time I make a small alteration on the original pattern, to get a different look.
  • Pants - BWOF 8/2009 #106 pattern with few minor alterations. I deepened the top back panels to fit my bottom (standard alteration I do on pants) and narrowed the waist a bit. Other than that, the pants fit me well. 
    The waist is interfaced with fusible interfacing. I thought some boning would help keep the waist up. However, since I didn’t have any boning in my notions stash, I improvised a bit. I cut 2cm wide strips of horse hair canvas and used them as boning. I hand sewed the strips to the seam allowances of the waist. The result is great – the waist has some firmness, and it is very comfortable.
  • Jacket - the same jacket I showed you on the day 9.


  1. I love that shirt! The bib part is terribly clever. I've read about that technique of making a waistline stay in place with the boning, but have never actually used it. I'm glad to know it works as I wanted to try it on a high waisted skirt soon. I typically have problems with high waisted skirts staying where they are supposed to. Great idea with the hair canvas though too! This entire outfit looks terribly professional and very flattering! Lovely!


  2. very classy and yes flattering! It makes me think back abt my office days:)... but not of my wardrobe then, coz that was the most random thing possible!

    thanks for stopping by, I couldn't help and commented on your comment, thank you so much for sharing!

  3. I love this outfit! I made these pants also, but in lightweight denim, last spring, and I really like them. I ended up adding about 2" to the rise of the pants too (my usual alteration with Burda), by splitting the panels in half horizontally and adding length to them, to make the pants actually sit at my waist. Is that what you mean by "deepened the top back panels"? I didn't end up doing stays though -- I just sewed in some 1/4" twill tape at the waistline seam and haven't had any problem keeping the pants up.
    The blouse is adorable too -- the bib, the directions of the stripes -- love! I've had the short-sleeve version on my "to sew" list since 2008, but now I must have the long-sleeved one too.
    Great job and thanks for posting these -- so inspirational!
