
Oct 25, 2011

Blog nagrada / Blog award

Kerolin mi je pre neki dan prosledila blog nagradu. Istu nagradu sam davno dobila i od Raki, ali kako sam u to vreme već bila dobila istu nagradu, mislila sam da je previše da dva puta u kratkom periodu pišem isti post. U svakom slučaju, želim da se zahvalim obema na divnom gestu! 

Carolyn passed me a blog award a few days ago. I received the same award ages ago from Raki, but since I had received the same award at the time, I felt it would be too much to write a same post twice. Either way, I'd like to thank them both for the lovely gesture!

Pravila nagrade kažu da treba da napišem 7 proizvoljnih detalja o sebi. Pošto sam već pisala na tu temu, danas ću podeliti sa vama samo jednu zanimljivost, inspirisana postom koji je Lavender pisala pre neki dan, u kome je opisivala sve svoje frizure tokom poslednjih 5 godina. 
Za razliku od nje, ja nisam mnogo menjla izgled u poslednjih 10 godina. Malo mi je varirala dužina kose, par puta sam probala da se ofarbam u crvenkastu nijansu (što mi je, na moju žalost, užasno stajalo!), ali sam izgledala manje-više isto kao sada. Međutim, kada sam imala 19 godina drastično sam promenila frizuru i kompletni izgled. Ošišala sam se skroz na kratko i počela da se šminkam. Iznenadila sam se koliko mi je frizura uticala na imidž. Međutim, promena stila je bila pozitivna, i mislim da sam tada počela da shvatam u kom pravcu treba da idem. 
Nosila sam kratku kosu godinu i po dana, a onda sam je pustila, na nagovor tadašnjeg dečka. Trebalo joj je 2 godine da poraste do neke normalne dužine, i u tom periodu sam prošla kroz mnoge faze, koje nisu sve bile baš sjajne :-). Mnogi moji prijatelji su kategorični da mi duga kosa lepše stoji, ali ja sam neopredeljena. Povremeno se razmišljam da se opet ošišam, ali često nemam dovoljno hrabrosti. Najviše me pokoleba pomisao na period koji joj je potreban da bi porasla. Sa 20 godina, lude frizure ne izgledaju totalno kretenski. Sa 32 već nisam sigurna...
Inače, slika ispod je uslikana 1998. Rekla bih da mi se lice nije mnogo promenilo od tada. 

The award rules say I have to write down 7 random facts about me. Since I already have a post on the subject, I'll share with you just one interesting detail about me. I was very inspired by Lavender's post she wrote the other day, where she described her haircuts in the last 5 years.
Unlike her, I haven't changed my looks a lot in the past 10 years. I had some slight length differences, I even tried dyeing it in some reddish shade (which, unfortunately, looked awful!), but I looked more or less the same as I do now. However, when I was 19, I had a drastic haircut and overall looks change. I cut my hair really short and I started doing makeup. I was surprised by how the haircut affected my image. But the style change was positive and I think it was then that I realized what direction I should follow.
I had this look for a year and a half, and then let the hair grow, being influenced by my boyfriend at the time. It took 2 years to grow, and I went through all the silly phases in that period :-). Many of my friends are categorical in the attitude that I look better with a long hair. However, I'm undefined. From time to time I think of cutting it again, but I don't have enough courage to do it. What freaks me the most is the time it needs to grow. When you're 20, wacky hair does not make you look like an idiot. I'm not so sure it's the same when you're 32...
The picture below was taken back in 1998. I think my face hasn't changed much since then.

I, na kraju, evo liste blogova kojima prosleđujem nagradu:

Finally, here is a list of blogs I am passing the award to:
  1. Magrit
  2. Kroki
  3. Lavender, Threadsquare
  4. Don, Urbandon
  5. Stacy, Stacyverb
  6. The Sew Convert
  7. Lisa Jane, Lisa Jane Sews


  1. I am amazed! You look so very young and the short haircut looks so different! :-)))

  2. Anonymous10/26/2011

    Thanks for the award!!!

  3. Anonymous10/26/2011

    Oh, this hairstyle is so hot on you! You look great now with long hair, but it's fun to see you with a short cut. So sassy! If you cut it again, feel confident that you'll look fabulous! I feel the same 20s were fine for looking wacky between proper styles. Now I feel like I'm supposed to find "my" hairdo and stick with it.

    Thanks for the award! Andrea just gave it to me, too...I need to write a post :)

  4. Wow!! You look so different with short hair, but your face does look exactly the same!!

  5. When I was 17 I chopped my hair off super short, too. I was just thinking the other day how I'd like to do it again. Maybe ;). Thanks so much for the award! I'm so flattered!
