
Dec 29, 2011

Moj pačvork jastuk na Burda Style sajtu / My patchwork pillow on the Burda Style website

Juče je na Burda Style sajtu osvanuo (a zatim i misteriozno nestao!) moj jastuk rađen pačvork tehnikom. Pravila sam ga dok sam stažirala u Burda Style, a tema je bila - napraviti predmet koji je prikladan za poklon, i koji ne zahteva previše vremena niti veština za izradu. Koristila sam ostatke pamuka koje sam našla u kancelarijskom ormanu,  što je odličan način da se utroše krpice koje više ničemu ne služe. Na sajtu se nalaze  Za sajt sam pisala i instrukcije za pravljenje ove jednostavne pačvork šare.
Iz nekog razloga, Burda Style nije objavio sliku gotovog jastuka, već samo prednju polovinu nedovršene jastučnice. No, ako mi verujete na reč, jastuk sam zaista kompletirala i ostavila u Njujorku, u kancelariji. Ne znam šta se dalje zbilo s njim kada sam otišla...

Burda Style website featured yesterday (and now it has mysteriously disappeared) a pillow I made using the patchwork technique. I sewed it while interning at Burda Style, and the project theme was - make a simple item, suitable for a holiday gift, that does not require a lot of time nor technical skills for making. I used fabric scraps I found in the office stash; an ideal way to use fabric remnants. You can find I wrote the instructions for making this simple patchwork ornament on for the website.
For some reason Burda Style didn't publish a picture of the finished pillow, but only the front side of an unfinished pillowcase. However, I DID finish it, if you trust my words, but left it in NYC, at the office. I don't know what happened with it once I left...


  1. I know you finished it! What a great way to get rid of fabric scraps as stuffing ;)

  2. Kreativno ,lepo i korisno! Draga Ana , ja za ovaj ,,slučaj ,, imam dve leve ruke.
