
May 4, 2012

Suknja bez bočnih šavova / A skirt with no side seams

Danas imam par razloga za pisanje posta: nova suknja, i slike koje nisu iz moje dnevne sobe ili predsoblja :).

I have a couple of reasons for posting today: a new skirt and photos that were not taken in my living room or  anteroom :).

Suknju sam sašila pre otprilike 2 meseca, za potrebe kursa na koji idem (škola SITAM, kurs modeliste). Materijal je krupan sintetički žoržet u pastelno tirkiznoj boji, sa kontrastnim paspulom u tamno zelenoj nijansi. Ono što krasi ovu suknju su neobični krivudavi šavovi koji se protežu od prednjeg dela, zavijaju prema bokovima u visini kukova i spuštaju se do poruba na zadnjem delu. Time su izbegnuti standardni bočni šavovi. 

I sewed this skirt approximately 2 months ago, on the pattern construction classes I'm taking (the SITAM school). 
The fabric is a sturdy georgette in pastel turquoise color, with a contrasting piping in emerald green. What makes this skirt quite special is a very interesting seaming that goes from the front (where a dart is supposed to be), curves towards the hip and ends at the back hem, thus avoiding a standard side seam.

Ideju za ovu suknju sam dobila nakon što sam sašila moju verziju Nora haljinu, koja ima sličan oblik. 
Slike su uslikane jutros, u školi.

I got the idea for it after sewing my version of the Nora dress, that has a similar shape.
I snapped the pictures this morning, at the class.


  1. First photo as Cinderela ...
    Skirt is beautiful color and patterns....

  2. Very cool! I love the seaming and the color.

  3. That is interesting seaming on the skirt. How are the classes going?

  4. I love the seaming of the skirt. Very unusual and flattering to the body

  5. This is a beautiful and beautifully sewn skirt! I love it.
