
Jul 29, 2012

Braon lanena haljina na kopčanje / A brown linen shirt dress

Dobar dan svima! Želim da vam se zahvalim na divnim rečima i čestitkama povodom veridbe i kupovine stana. I sama sam jako uzbuđena zbog svih dešavanja koja se odvijaju munjevitom brzinom. Venčanje je zakazano za sledeći mesec, i taj dan se polako približava. Naravno, sama ću praviti svoju haljinu, kao i komplet za mamu (hehe, ima još interesenata koji bi voleli da im sašijem svečani outfit, ali nemam toliko vremena na raspolaganju). Napravićemo malo venčanje za najužu porodicu, a moja haljina će biti prilično jednostavna, i neće biti klasična venčanica. 
Moram da vam odam jednu tajnu: ja ne podnosim klasične svadbe, a većina venčanica mi je ružna i nepraktična! Do sada ni jednom nisam bila na svadbi na kojoj sam se dobro provela, i koja je bila po mom ukusu. Da budem iskrena, na većini svadbi gunđam zbog preglasne ili loše (nekad i preglasne i loše) muzike, koja me ne inspiriše da igram (a ja volim da igram!), što znači da se svadba obično svede na celodnevno sedenje uz sto prepun hrane (nikad na hranu nisam gledala kao na dobar provod). Takođe, ne razumem ni koncept venčanice: ogromna, teška haljina u kojoj se jedva kreće, neudobna, preskupa, i na kraju - nosi se samo jedan dan? Ako uložim novac i trud da napravim lepu haljinu, želim da je još koji put obučem! Zato, ne očekujte od mene balsku haljinu, niti krinolinu sa ogromnim šlepom i dugim velom. O venčanici ću više pisati nakon venčanja, da ne upropastim iznenađenje :-).

Hello everybody! I want to thank you for the nice words and congrats notes on my engagement and on buying a flat. I am very excited about all the things that are happening to me rapidly. The wedding is scheduled for the next month and the day is coming slowly. Off course, I'm gonna make the wedding dress myself, along with a suit for my mom (hehe, there are more people interested in having their outfits made by me, but I don't have enough time for such an endeavor). We're organizing a small wedding for our closest families, and my wedding dress will be a very simple one, not a classic wedding dress.
You see, I hate classic weddings and I find most of the wedding dresses unpractical and quite ugly! I've never been on a wedding where I had fun. To be honest, on most of the wedding I grudge because I find the music awful or too loud (or too loud AND awful) that doesn't move me to dance (and I love to dance), which means the wedding the turns to a whole-day sitting at the table full of food (I've never considered food as an equivalent to a great time). I don't understand the concept of a wedding dress either: a huge, uncomfortable, very expensive dress that you wear just once? If I put my money and effort to make a lovely dress, I want to wear it few more times! So, don't expect a ball gown or a crinoline with a huge train and a long veil from me. Well, I'll write more about the wedding dress after the wedding, since I don't want to ruin the surprise :-).

A sad, da se vratim na drugu haljinu: u pitanju je još jedna haljina na kopčanje koju sam sašila nedavno, a za koju sam sama modelovala kroj. Prilično je jednostavna, ravna, klasična, ukrašena našivenim džepovima koji se pretvaraju u gajke za kaiš, a zatim ulivaju u još dva mala džepa na grudima. Materijal je lan boje čokolade, koji sam kupila sa idejom da napravim pantalone, ali planovi su se u međuvremenu promenili... Zavisno od trenutnog raspoloženja, kombinujem je sa kaiševima i aksesoarom u različitim bojama - danas je bio red na zlatne detalje.
I'd like to talk about other dress now, the one I've sewn recently, using a self drafted pattern. It's quite simple, straight, classic, decorated with two pockets that transform into belt loops and dive into two small pockets positioned on breast. The fabric  is a chocolate colored linen, that I bought having pants on my mind, but the plans changed in the meanwhile... Depending on my mood, I combine the dress with belts and accessories in various colors, and today was the day for golden details.

Jul 16, 2012

Prugasta haljina na kopčanje / Striped shirt dress

Znam da me dugo nije bilo i da mesecima nisam postavljala fotografije novih kreacija, što ne znači da nisam šila. Čak naprotiv, imam dosta novih stvari da vam pokažem, ali me realnost sprečila da se temeljno posvetim blogu. Za ovih par meseci mi se mnogo zanimljivih stvari izdešavalo, što lepih, što ružnih. 
Na žalost, morala sam da odustanem od kursa u školi SITAM zbog privatnih problema koje sam imala, a o kojima ne bih ovde duskutovala. 
I, umesto da odem na polaganje ispita u Italiju, ja sam otišla na more da dečkom, gde sam se fenomenalno provela i usput verila :-). Povratak s mora je doneo još par ozbiljnih pitanja i odluka, čiji rezultat je novi stan koji sam kupila pre neki dan. Time se okončala moja dugogodišnja agonija potrage za stanom. Sada slede slatke muke: opremanje životnog prostora i priprema za venčanje. No, o tome ću pisati u narednim danima, a sada bih se vratila na glavnu temu, tj. na haljinu koju sam skoro napravila.

I know I've been away for a long time and that I haven't posted any new projects recently, but it doesn't mean I haven't been sewing. Actually, I have a lot of new garments to show you, but life has prevented me from blogging regularly. A lot of interesting things happened to me during the past few months, some of them were nice the others were not so nice.
Unfortunately, I had to drop off the SITAM course due to some personal problems, which I won't discuss here.
So, instead of going to Italy for the final exam, I went to the sea with my boyfriend, where I had a great time and got engaged :-). Returning from the sea brought some new questions and decisions which resulted with me buying a flat. It also ended a four-year search for a flat. Now I'm facing some rather sweet problems: interior decoration and wedding preparations. However, I'll write about these things in the following days, and now I'd like to return to the main topic, which is a dress I've made recently.

Inspiraciju za ovu haljinu sam našla na nekoliko različitih mesta (nemojte mi zameriti, ne mogu da se setim odakle sam skinula slike, pošto nemam naviku da brinem o tome - ako znate sa kog sajta su slike i ko su dizajneri ovih haljina, javite mi  i ja ću postaviti i te informacije). Zahvaljujući svojim dragim čitaocima, saznala sam da su gornje dve haljine dizajn Kejt Spejd (Kate Spade). Htela sam da napravim haljinu na kopčanje sa malo drugačijim izgledom, pa sam se poigrala sa krojem i sa prugama.

An inspiration for this dress came from several different places (unfortunately, I can't remember where I downloaded these pictures from - if you know the website these were taken from, or you know a name of the designer, please let me know to edit the information). Thanks to my lovely readers, I found out the top two dresses were Kate Spade's design. I wanted to make a bit different shirt dress, so I played with the pattern and with stripes.



Skica ispod je originalna verzija koju sam htela da napravim.

Bellow is a sketch of the original idea I had for the dress.

Međutim, haljina je ispala malo drugačija... Naravno, kroj sam sama pravila. Materijal je prelep prugasti puplin koji sam pazarila prošle godine. Haljina je postavljena belim tananim pamukom, zbog transparencije puplina.

However, the dress turned a bit different... I made the pattern myself. The fabric is a gorgeous striped shirt cotton that I bought last year. The dress is fully lined with a thin white cotton, since the shell fabric was rather transparent.

Kao i obično, veoma sam vodila računa o uklapanju pruga na šavovima.

As per usual, I tried to match all the stripes along the seams.

Haljina ima po dve falte na prednjem i zadnjem delu suknje.

The dress has two knife pleats on both front and back sides of the skirt.

Kada je trebalo da prišijem dugmiće, našla sam se u problemu - nisam mogla da se odlučim koju boju da odaberem, jer se svaka uklapala. Na kraju sam rešila da iskoristim sve boje :-).

When I was about to sew in the buttons, I faced a problem - I couldn't decide which color to pick, since all the colors matched well with the fabric. At the end, I chose to use buttons in all the colors I had :-).

Jul 5, 2012

Cica s naslovnice / A girl from the cover page

Danas naleteh na Facebook profilu Sew News časopisa na zanimljivu sliku - naslovnu stranicu novog izdanja magazina. A na njoj, moje pantalone koje sam šila prošle godine. Što volim kada se ovako prijatno iznenadim! :-)
U pitanju su mornarske pantalone, koje sam šila od prelepog teksasa koji po strukturi jako liči na lan. Pantalone u osnovi imaju Bella kroj sa Burda Style sajta, ali je u članku opisan detaljan postupak za izmenu osnovnog kroja za pantalone. Kompletan članak možete pročitati ovde.

Today I've stumbled upon an interesting picture on the Sew News' Facebook profile - a cover page of the new magazine issue. And, on the picture, the pants I sewed last year. Oh, how I like to be so pleasantly surprised!
These are sailor pants made of a gorgeous denim that resembles linen. The basis of the pants is the Bella pattern from Burda Style website, while the magazine article describes the pattern alteration using a basic pants sloper. You can find the whole article here.

I po običaju, da pokažem kako i ja izgledam u pantalonama. 

As per usual, I'm showing how the garment looks on me.

Još uvek čekam da dobijem svoj primerak časopisa zajedno sa pantalonama. Nedostajale su mi sve ovo vreme i baš sam nestrpljiva da ih opet obučem jer su jako udobne i prijatne za leto.

I still haven't got my sample of the magazine along with the pants. I've been missing these and I'm rather impatient to wear them, since they're really comfortable and appropriate for the summer climate.