
Nov 29, 2012

TR Masterklas - zadaci 3 i 4 / TR Masterclass - tasks 3 and 4

Ovo će biti kratak post, bez mnogo reči. Danas imam da pokažem dva nova rada, gde je cilj da se odeći doda volumen i trodimenzionalnost kroz nabore i valove.

This is a short post, with not many words. I have two works to show you today. The task was to add a volume and dimension to a garment, using gathers and flounces. 


  1. Anonymous11/30/2012

    Ovo sa valovima će biti još efektnije ako je tamni materijal čvršći a svetli lepršaviji mada ne mora.

  2. wow. I have been looking at the past projects you have been showing. You really have talent.

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