
Jan 4, 2013

Osvrt na 2012. godinu / A review of 2012

2012. godina je iza nas, i ne mogu a da ne razmišljam o tome kakva je bila. Bila je, u najmanju ruku, turbulentna! Obeležile su je velike životne odluke, koje sam, kako izgleda, donela na brzinu, ali zbog kojih nisam ni na tren zažalila. 

2012 is behind us and I can't help but thinking about how it was. It was, at least, turbulent! It was marked by serious life decisions, that appeared to be made in a rush, but I haven't regret for any of them.

Sa krojačke strane gledišta, moram da priznam da nije bila spektakularna. Šila sam manje no ikad, a stvari koje sam napravila mahom nisu bile upečatljive.  Ne kažem ni da su bile loše, ali mislim da  se nisam pokazala u najboljem svetlu, iako se gotovo cela godina vrtela oko šivenja. 
Krajem pretrošle godine sam upisala kurs u školi SITAM, koji nije ispunio moja očekivanja. Zbog ličnih problema sam rešila da napustim školu mesec dana pred kraj kursa, i nisam išla u Padovu u Italiji na polaganje finalnog ispita. Ovo sam doživela kao lični poraz, jer sam smatrala da bi kurs modelarstva za mene bio ostvarenje snova. Ipak, pojavila se nova šansa, sasvim neočekivano. Vlasnik škole, gospodin Padovani, me lično pozvao da dođem na polaganje ispita kada budem spremna. Naime, gospodina Padovanija sam upoznala u školi, kada je bio u poseti Beogradu, i tada sam od njega dobila dosta komplimenata na račun mog rada. Bio je iznenađen što nisam izašla na ispit, pa me pozvao da ovu formalnost obavim u novom terminu. Planiram da ovu šansu iskoristim, i veoma sam zahvalna na novoj prilici, ali ću ispit morati da uskladim sa ostalim obavezama, tako da još uvek nismo zakazali ispit.
Do Novembra, kada sam upisala TR Masterklas, sašila sam par stvarčica, među kojima su sivo-žuta satenska haljina i moja venčanica bile najupečatljivije. 

From a sewing point of view, I have to admit 2012 wasn't spectacular. I'd never sewn less, and the items I made were not all that eye catchy. It's not that they were bad, but I think I didn't do my best, even tough the whole year was all about sewing.
At the end of 2011 I enrolled the sewing course at SITAM school, which didn't fulfill my expectations. Due to some personal issues I decided to leave the course a month before the end, and I didn't go to Italy to the final exam. It was a personal defeat to me, since I had thought pattern construction course would be a dream come true to me. However, a new chance came my way, quite unexpectedly. The school's owner, Mr. Padovani, personally invited me to take the exam when I'm ready. I med him in the school, when he visited Belgrade, and he gave me a lot of compliments for my work. He was surprised I didn't take the exam, and offered me to complete this formality in a new term. I plan to use this chance and I am very grateful for the new opportunity, but I'll have to schedule the exam according to the other responsibilities. Therefore, we haven't scheduled the exam yet.
By November, when I enrolled the TR Masterclass, I made a few garments, among which the yellow-gray dress and my wedding dress were the most distinctive ones.

No, kurs kod Shingo Satoa mi je potpuno vratio volju za šivenjem i probudio inspiraciju. Poslednja kreacija u nizu, Nugat haljina, je stvar kojom se veoma ponosim, i jedva čekam da je završim pa da je pokažem u njenom punom sjaju.

However, the Shingo Sato's course brought back my sewing mojo and inspiration. The last creation I worked on, the Nougat dress, is an item I am very proud of and I can't wait to finish it and show it in all its glory.

Emotivno, 2012. godina nije bila ni malo dosadna; čak naprotiv, bila je prilično iznenađujuća.
Krajem Aprila upoznala sam svog muža. Ne, niste me pogrešno razumeli, znamo se samo osam meseci! Trebalo nam je čitavih mesec i po dana da shvatimo da je to što imamo baš ono što nam je oboma trebalo i rešili smo da se venčamo. Ja nisam bog zna koliko romantična osoba, nije bilo vereničkog prstena, svečane večere i prosidbe na kolenima. Zapravo, ja sam bila ta koja je zaprosila njega rečima "aj' se venčamo!". On se premišljao cele dve mikrosekunde :). Okruženje je bilo šokirano, svi redom su pretpostavili da sam trudna, jer nikome nije bilo jasno kako i zašto to radimo na prečac. 
Neočekivana udaja me naterala da rešim problem stambenog pitanja. Unazad četiri godine sam bila u potrazi za stanom. Par puta sam bila veoma blizu realizacije, ali me svaki put drugi problem osujetio u tome (jednom je bila cena, drugi put uslovi kreditiranja, naredni put sumnjiva dokumentacija koju je investor imao za stan, na kraju je i moja firma počela da redukuje zaposlene i smanjila nam plate). Ovaj put, imala sam jak motiv da nađem rešenje za sve probleme i konačno kupila stan. Nije da nisam napravila kompromis: budžet kojim sam raspolagala je bio relativno mali, pa je i stan minijaturan, ali moj je! Stan sam uzela sredinom jula, a uselili smo se mesec dana kasnije, spremni da tu gradimo svoju budućnost.

Plan je bio da se uzmemo krajem Avgusta, ali me u tome osujetio ozbiljan problem sa jetrom, zbog kog sam provela deset dana u bolnici. Iako nisam paničila niti očajavala, ne mogu da kažem da mi je bilo svejedno. Imala sam svojih par minuta krize, ali ipak moram da istaknem da sam u bolničkoj sobi bila glavni animator cimerkama i terala ih da, umesto na svoje zdravstvene probleme, misle na to kako da se zabave najbolje što mogu u bolničkim uslovima. Ubrzo sam nabavila vunicu i igle za štrikanje i počela time da se zanimam. Dugo nisam štrikala, tako da moji pokušaji nisu rezultirali konkretnom bluzom, ali u tom trenutku bilo mi je najbitnije da okupiram misli nečim što nije bilo vezano za moje zdravlje. Štrikeraj je postao glavna atrakcija u sobi, pa su i moje cimerke počele da pletu, svaka u granicama svog umeća. Bilo je sjajno videti promenu u njihovom ponašanju - odjednom je najveći problem postala petlja u pletivu, a ne klinički rezultati. 
Evo me, par meseci od izlaska iz bolnice, zvanično zdrava, iako još uvek nisam ona stara. Imam probleme sa imunitetom, hroničnim nedostatkom energije, i svesna sam da ne izgledam najbolje. Uz to, moram da se pridržavam određene dijete, i ne smem previše fizički da se naprežem, zbog čega sam se ugojila. To je ponekad frustrirajuće (pre neki dan sam imala pravu malu dramu ispred ogledala), ali imam bezuslovnu podršku svoje porodice i prijatelja, a to mnogo znači. Situacija nije idealna, ali i pored toga sam srećna.
Udala sam se u Oktobru, i provela fenomenalan medeni mesec u Rimu. 

Emotionally, the 2102 wasn't dull at all; it was rather surprising, in fact.
I met my husband in April. No, you haven't misunderstood me, we've been knowing each other for eight months only! It took us a month and a half to realize that what we had was exactly what we needed and so we decided to get married. I'm not a romantic girl, so there was no wedding ring, no special dinner nor a proposal with him on the knees. Actually, I was the one who proposed him with the words "let's get married!". It took him two microseconds to reply :). Our friends and family were in shock, and everyone assumed I was pregnant, because no one understood our rush.

An unexpected wedding forced me to solve a housing issue. For the pas four years I had been in a search for a flat. I was close to buying several times, but each time a different problem stopped me (once it was a price, the other time the mortgage conditions weren't acceptable, the third time the contractor didn't have clean papers for the flat, and finally, my firm cut off employees and lowered the salaries). Well this time I was really motivated to solve all the problems and finally I bought a flat. I did make a compromise tough: I had a limited budget, therefore the flat was a tiny one, but it was mine! I bought the flat in July, and we moved in a month later, ready to build our future over there.
The plan was to get married in August, but a serious liver issue put me to the hospital for ten days and changed my plans. I didn't panic, but  I didn't feel great either. I had a few minuted of emotional crisis, but I have to point out I was the main comedian to my room mates in the hospital, forcing them to think of the ways to have fun while being there, instead of thinking of their medical problems. In a short time I had my knitting needled and a yard with me and stared playing with it. I hadn't knitted in a long time, so my knitting efforts didn't result with a garment, but at the time it was enough just to distract my thoughts from the health issues. The knitting promptly became the major attraction in my room, and all of my room mates started knitting too, each one according to their skills. It was great to see the change - all of a sudden the major problem was a knitting loop, instead of the clinical tests.
So here I am, months after I left the hospital, officially healthy, but I'm not the same. I still have problems with the immune system, I suffer from constant lack of energy, and I'm aware I don't look great. Additionally, I'm on a certain diet, and I'm not allowed exercise, which lead to gaining weight. It's sometimes frustrating (a couple of days ago I had a real drama in front of a mirror), but I have an unconditional support from my family and friends, and that means a lot. The situation is not ideal, but I am happy never the less.
I married in October and went on a great honeymoon to Rome, Italy. 

Život bi bio idealan kada bih još imala i dobar posao (pomenuh već da je firma ranije imala probleme u poslovanju; sada su ti problemi u fazi kulminacije i intenzivno tražim novi posao), ali se nadam da će 2013. to doneti.

The life would be perfect if I had a good job (I mentioned before my firm had problems; these issues have culminated and I intensively look for a new job), but I hope the 2013 will bring that too.


  1. Draga Ana želim ti mnogo zdravlja i novi,bolji posao, sreću u ljubavi i još mnogo dobrih projekata u šivenju, u ovoj 2013-toj godini.

  2. Best wishes for the new year! I have always enjoyed admiring your sewing projects.

  3. Hi AnaJan, I am sorry for all the challenges that you experienced in 2012 - but congratulations on getting married and having a place of your own, and I hope that this coming year is a good one for you!

  4. Draga Ana, mogu samo da kazen svaka ti cast kako si se nosila sa svim tim stvarima. Imas tu vise energije nego sto mislis. Samo nastavi tako i u 2013,ja ti zelim sve najbolje!

  5. You've had a tumultuous, but ultimately wonderful year! since the year you meet your husband and get married is the most wonderful thing ever!
    I wish you all the best for a perfectly amazing new Year in 2013 :)
