
Jan 15, 2013

TR Masterklas, zadaci br. 12 i 13 / TR Masterclass, tasks no. 12 and 13

Danas postavljam dva rada, budući da nisam stigla da napravim dva zasebna posta. 

Today I'm posting two projects, since I didn't manage to make two separate posts for them.

Zadatak br. 12 poredstavlja rekonstrukciju bluze sa volanom na struku, pravljenjem vertikalnih zakrivljenih šavova. Nisam imala pri ruci materijale u knotrastnim bojama, pa sam šavove naglasila štepovima u tamnijoj boji. Nisam prezadovoljna ovim radom, i posle njega sam se prilično demoralisala, i počela da sumnjam u sebe i u to da sam dorasla zadatku i kursu. Ipak, dva loša rada u nizu su za mene i moj ego previše. Zahvaljujući divnim rečima podrške devojke iz moje grupe, uspela sam malo da se umirim i ohrabrim. Ali, znala sam da naredni rad mora da bude savršen.

Task no. 12 represents reconstruction of a blouse with peplum, by making vertical curved seams. I didn't have contrasting fabrics so I emphasized the seams by contrasting topstitching. I'm not pleased with this work, and after making it my mojo was quite down, I even started doubting in myself and questioning if I was up with the task and course. I mean, two bad works in a row were too much for me and my ego. Thanks to supporting words from a girl from my group I managed to get together and encourage myself. However, I knew the next work needed to be prefect.

Zadatak br. 13 predstavlja integraciju kutije u obliku srca. Ovim radom sam posebno zadovoljna, a čak sam dobila i ocenu 10 za njega :). Nisam ispunila samo svoja, već i Satoova očekivanja. 
Sad sam spremna da se suočim sa sledećim zadatkom!

Task no. 13 represents a heart shaped box integration. I'm very pleased with this work, and I even got a mark 10 for it :). Not only I fulfilled my expectations, it seems like I fulfilled Sato's, too.
I'm ready now to face the next task!

A evo i najboljih radova iz svih materklas grupa, rađenih tehnikom TR drapiranja. Ponosna sam što je i moj rad među njima.

And here are the best works selected from all masterclass groups, made using the TR draping technique. I'm proud to have my work among these.

I na kraju, pomislih da će vas zanimati informacija da je Shingo Sato najavio formiranje nove masterklas grupe, koja će početi sa radom u Maju ove godine. Za više informacija, predlažem da posetite Facebook profil Shingo Sato-a.

Finally, I thought you'd be intersted to know Shingo Sato had announced forming a new masterclass group, that would start working on May 2013. For more information, I suggest visiting Shingo Sato's Facebook profile.


  1. humphhhh!!!
    Can you hear my sigh of relief? lol. I'm glad you are happy with this last project. Nothing good comes easy, so hang on there. You can do it.

  2. Awesome! It came out really well! You must be so proud of yourself!:)
