
Jun 13, 2013

Sew News za Jun - Jul 2013. / June - July 2013 issue of Sew News

Pre neki dan sam dobila paket iz Amerike, sa novim brojem Sew News časopisa, u kome sam pisala o veseloj letnjoj haljini koju sam šila prošle godine. 
Haljina ima neobičan kroj, koji je dodatno naglašen prugastim materijalom i štraftama postavljenim u različitim smerovima. Haljina prati liniju tela, a suknja se blago širi ka porubu, zahvaljujući faltama na prednjem i zadnjem delu. Ženstven dekolte je ukrašen trakicama koje se vezuju na sredini. 

A few days ago I got a parcel from the USA, with a new issue of Sew News magazine, where I wrote an article about a cheerful summer dress I made last year.
The dress has an unusual seaming, emphasized by striped fabric with stripes arranged in various directions. The dress is a form fitting one, with a slightly flared skirt that has knife pleats on front and back. A feminine neckline is decorated with bow ties.

A evo i haljine na meni.

Here's the dress on me.

Ovu haljinu jako volim, najviše zbog kroja. Mislim da bi sjajno izgledala i da je napravljena od jednobojnog materijala, sa paspuliranim šavovima, kao i kada bi bila napravljena od materijala u kontrastnim bojama. Možda isprobam nku od ovih kombinacija.

I really like the dress, mostly because of the pattern.I think it would look great in a plain fabric with piped seams, or if it was color-blocked. I might try out one of these combinations.


  1. I really love this dress on you too!! This is one of the prettiest dresses I've ever seen.

  2. It is a very nice dress. You did a great job on it! And that is so cool that you got published! Way to go.
