
Apr 3, 2011

Kineska haljina na moj način / Qipao, my way

Da li imate tu nesreću da patite od nesanice? Pa, ja imam! Moje nesanice su obično uzrokovane moždanom hiperaktivnošću (po mojoj ličnoj dijagnozi), usled kreativnog šoka koji me obuzme. Noćas sam imala jedan takav ispad (ili možda pre napad?), koji je trajao do 7h ujutru (danas)! 
Uzrok, ali i rezultat nesanice je kineska haljina u mojoj interpretaciji. Trenutno je u ovom stanju. Kroj za gornji deo haljine je uzet iz Burde 10/2004, #116 (isti kroj koji sam koristila za zlatnu satensku bluzu). Donji deo haljine je u procesu, ali očekujem da će biti završen tokom dana.
Uz haljinu će ići i Obi pojas, kakav sam već pravila za ljubičastu haljinu (koliko haljina sa Obi pojasem mi zaista treba? imam ideju za još par haljina sa istim detaljem ili njegovom varijacijom).
Materijal je divan srebrnasti saten sa cvetnim motivima (koji se na slici ne vide).

Are you unfortunate to suffer from insomnia? Well, I am! My insomnia is usually caused by brain hyperactivity (by my personal diagnosis) due to the creative shock that I dive into. Tonight I had one of these outbursts, that lasted till 7AM (this morning)!
The cause and the result of the insomnia is a qipao dress in my interpretation. It looks like this at the moment. The pattern for the top comes from BOWF 10/2004, #116 (I used the same pattern for the golden satin blouse). The skirt part is in the process of sewing, but I expect it to be finished during the day.
The dress will be styled up with an Obi belt, like the one I made for the purple dress (I wonder how many Obi belted dresses do I really need? I have ideas for few more dresses with similar belt details).
The fabric I used is a gorgeous silver satin with floral pattern (that doesn't show on the photo).


  1. This is lovely, and quite different from your usual business-like style. I'm looking forward to seeing it finished!

  2. Good you capitalized on your insomnia, because this is looking beautiful!
