
Apr 10, 2011

Kineska haljina / Qipao

Kineska haljina je konačno gotova. Jako sam zadovoljna kako je ispala i bila sam prilično nestrpljiva da je obučem. Mislim da nema bolje prilike za doterivanje od rođendanske žurke! 
Haljina izgleda lepo i sa obi kaišem, ali i bez njega, a vi ocenite sami koji stajling vam se više dopada. 

Qipao is finished. I'm very pleased with how it looks, and I was impatient to wear it in public. And I think there's no better occasion for wearing it than to a birthday party!
I think it looks great both with and without the obi belt, but I leave you to make a styling judgement yourself.

Haljina s naličja.

The dress turned inside out.

Detalj sa čvorovanim dugmadima.

Knotted buttons detail.

Detalj sa poruba suknje. Opšila sam ivice paspul trakom, radi urednijeg izgleda.

Hemline detail. I finished the raw edge with a bias strip.


  1. Gorgeous! Did you make the knots? It looks like it fits perfectly. Looks good with and without the belt.

  2. It looks really gorgeous. Really. Is it satin or silk?

    I like best the belt version. Flawless details and a great choice of pattern!

  3. Thanks ladies!

    @lizajane: yup, I made the knots myself. I found a simple video tutorial on youtube (see my previous qipao related post).

    @magda: it's stretch satin with floral ornaments. However, the pattern doesn't call for stretchy fabric.

  4. Anonymous4/10/2011

    I love it with the obi belt better, I think because of the piping, what a nice idea! Looks great!

  5. Detalji su perfektni. I odlicno je skrojena. Sama si pravila kroj?

  6. This is beautiful, well done! I think I like it with the obi belt too, after all that immaculate piping work you may as well show that off too!

  7. Beautiful dress. I just found your blog though Kathleen Fasanella's blog. I will definitely be coming back. You sew beautiful clothes!

  8. Anonymous4/12/2011

    Slučajno sam naletila na ovaj tvoj blog i baš sam uživala, bravo za trud i u šivanju i predstavljnju. Pozdrav iz Splita.

  9. Ova haljina me je potpuno osvojila! Sjajno si je uradila i divno ti stoji :)
