
Sep 30, 2011

SSS '11 - Dani 28., 29. i 30. / Days 28, 29 and 30

Dan dvadeset osmi.
Nove mornarske pantalone i košulja iz španskog Patrones-a, prepravljena prema kroju iz Burde. 

Day twenty eight.
A new pair of sailor pants and a shirt from the Spanish Patrones (altered using the BWOF pattern).

Dan dvadeset deveti.
"Nova" košulja - zapravo, još jedna bluza koju sam ukrala od mame i suzila za sebe. Jakna iz Burde iy 2005. godine.

Day twenty nine.
A "new" shirt - actually one more blouse I stole from my mom and fitted it for myself. The jacket is from BWOF circa 2005.

Dan trideseti.
Za poslednji dan izazova sam odabrala jednu od mojih omiljenih košulja. Primetite da su sve tri košulje varijacije istog kroja (Burda 1/2008, #108).

Day thirty.
I picked one of my favorite shirts for the last day of the challenge. Note that all 3 shirts are variations of the same pattern (BWOF 1/2008, #108).

Sep 29, 2011

Modni atelje Koko / Fashion studio Koko

Ukoliko volite da šijete ili crtate, ako maštate o tome da se bavite modom i da dizajnirate garderobu, preporučujem vam da upišete kurs Modni atelje Koko, koji vodi moja dobra prijateljica, Milena Kovačević. Milena je modna kreatorka, koja je poslednjih 30 godina radila za brojne svetske modne kuće, što je čini pravom riznicom informacija i inspiracije. 
Milenu sam upoznala u maju ove godine, kada sam i sama upisala kurs. Kurs je osmišljen kao kratka škola o modi, modnoj industriji, o tome šta je brend, kako izgleda proces dizajniranja, definisanja trendova i usklađivanje sopstvenih kreacija sa aktuelnim trendom. Kada sam došla na prvi čas, imala sam već formirano mišljenje o modi i estetici, kao i mnogo predrasuda o tome šta je trend. Nisam bila svesna koliko sam malo znala o tome :-). 
Tokom kursa, bili smo upućeni na brojne modne dizajnere, njihove aktuelne i minule modne kolekcije, i učili šta ih zapravo čini svetskim liderima. Kurs je podrazumevao i nekoliko vežbi, koje su imale za cilj da primenimo naučeno, kao i da eksperimentišemo sa formom, oblikom i teksturom. Moj prvi korak bio je manje - više predvidiv. Držala sam se svedene forme, blago vojničkog stila i klasične elegancije. Međutim, kada sam pustila mašti na volju, počela sam da smišljam kreacije koje su me prilično iznenadile. Slike ispod su moje skice, koje su bile pokušaj da objedinim kriterijume zadatog trenda, ličnu estetiku, kao i zadatak da kreiram nešto što bi bilo autentično. Da li sam postigla cilj, procenite sami. Moram da napomenem, moji favoriti su tri kreacije sa prve slike (među kojima posebno ističem pantalone sa reverima i duplim kopčanjem). Ovu kolekciju sam nazvala Upside down.

If you like to sew or to draw, if you fantasize of working in fashion industry and designing clothes, I recommend you to enroll the course called Fashion studio Koko, held by a very good friend of mine, Milena Kovachevich (that is - if you're in Belgrade, Serbia). Milena is a fashion designer, who has been working for numerous fashion brands in the last 30 years, which makes her a genuine source of information and inpsiration.
I met Milena in May this year, when I enrolled her course. The course was organized as a brief school about fashion, fashion industry, we learned how to identify a brand, how the designing process looks like, how to define and determine what a trend is and how to adjust your creations to the current trend. When I came to the first class I already had my opinion about fashion and aesthetics, and I had my prejudices regarding trends. I wasn't aware at the time of how little I knew about the topic :-).
During the course, we reviewed many fashion designers, analyzed their current and past collections and learned about what made them the leaders in the business. The course included several exercises whose goal was to demonstrate the learnt, as well as to experiment with the form, shape and texture. My first step was, more or less, predictive. I stuck to the simple shape, slightly military look and classic elegance. However, when I let my imagination take it's own direction, I started designing creations that really surprised me. Pictures bellow are my sketches, that were my attempt to integrate the criteria of the trend with my personal aesthetics, as well as to fulfill the given task to design something authentic. I leave you to make a judgement on whether I have accomplished the task or not. I have to add, my personal favorites are the three designs form the first picture (especially the pants with a "collar" and a double breast closure). I named this collection Upside down.

Sledeći korak je bio malo zahtevniji. Trebalo je da osmislimo kompletnu kolekciju, koja treba jasno da identifikuje brend koji svako od polaznika definiše za sebe. Moja ideja bila je da se jedan specifičan detalj ponavlja na svim odevnim predmetima, a inspiracija je potekla od indijanaca i afričkih plemena. Prvi korak bio je pravljenje tzv. mood board-a, odnosno postera, kolaža koji bi trebao da dočara raspoloženje koje modna kolekcija nosi. Evo kako je to izgledalo u mojoj interpretaciji (ne pamtim kada sam toliko koristila Photoshop!). Ova kolekcija se zove Urban Indian.

The next step was a bit more demanding. We had to design a complete collection that needed to identify a brand each student defined by him/herself. My idea was to make a specific detail that would appear on all garments, and I was inspired by American Indians and African tribes. The first step was making a mood board - a collage that had to depict the atmosphere and the mood of the fashion collection. Here's how my collage looked (I can't remember the last time I used Photoshop as much as then!). I named this collection Urban Indian.

Zatim sam napravila detalj koji će obeležiti celu kolekciju - "peruška" koju sam napravila od bezbroj pertli. Pertle su zapravo trake tanane viskoze, koje sam upredala i endlala mašinom. Neću vam opisati ceo postupak, ali znajte da mi je trebalo 2m tkanine, i nekoliko dana šivenja, upredanja i čvorovanja da bih dobila ovo! 

After that I made a detail that was a signature of the collection - a "plume" that was made of countless laces. The laces were actually strips of a very thin viscose, that I twisted and spun and zick-zacked on my machine. I'm not going to describe you the whole procedure, but you might find it interested that I used 2m of fabric, and spent several days sewing, spinning and knotting to make this!


I, konačno, evo par skica koje ilustruju kako bih perušku koristila u svojoj kolekciji (kliknite na sliku da je uvećate).

Finally, here are few sketches that illustrate how the "plume" would be used in my collection (click on the image to enlarge it).



Moja grupa sa kojom sam išla na kurs je bila mala, pa nismo uspeli da organizujemo izložbu na kraju kursa, ali je prethodna grupa bila veća i organizovanija, pa su devojke uspele da organizuju i izložbu, koju možete pogledati ovde.
Ukoliko i vi želite da pohađate ovaj kurs, u toku je upis. Kurs traje 6 nedelja (12 puta po 3 sata). Sve informacije možete dobiti od Maje, organizatora nastave, na sledećem broju telefona: 060/055-65-05.

My group was rather small, so we didn't manage to organize an exhibition at the end of the course, bu the previous group was well organized and big enough to pull out the exhibition, which you can see over here.
If you're interested in attending this course, you can apply. The course lasts 6 weeks (or 36 hours = 12 x 3h). You can get all the information from the teaching promoter Maja, on the following phone number: 060/055-65-05.

Sep 27, 2011

SSS '11 - Dan 27. / Day 27

Dan dvadeset sedmi.
Danas sam rešila da napravim zaseban post, jer sam obukla nove, tek sašivene pantalone. Ovaj put kopiram samu sebe - napravila sam još jedan par mornarskih pantalona, prema kroju Bella sa Burda Style sajta. Naime, trebao mi je par laganih, svakodnevnih pantalona, koje bih mogla da nosim i uz patike. Pošto mi se mornarske pantalone jako dopadaju, ne videh razlog da ne napravim još koji par. 
Materijal je tanak, mekan, teksas, koji podseća na lan, i veoma je prijatan za nošenje. Razmišljam se da dokupim još koji metar tkanine, pa da sašijem još neki stvarčicu od nje.
Pantalone sam malčice izmenila, tek toliko da se vidi da nije u pitanju isti par koji sam ranije šila. Dodala sam kapne za džepove na zadnji deo, iako pozadi nema džepova. Takođe, profircala sam koncem za heklanje par ivica, kako bih malo naglasila kroj. 
Suma sumarum - veoma sam zadovoljna pantalonama i mislim da ću ih nositi godinama.

Day twenty seven.
I've decided to make a separate post today, since I'm wearing a brand new pair of pants. I'm copying myself again - I made another pair of sailor pants, using the Bella pattern from Burda Style website. I needed a pair of casual pants that I could wear with sneakers too. Since I like a lot the sailor pants, I had no reason not to make one more pair of them. 
The fabric is a thin and very soft denim that reminds me of linen, hence it's very comfortable to wear. I'm thinking of buying some more fabric and make few more garments.
The pants are a bit different from the previous pair - so that it's obvious they're not the same pair. I added the back pocket flaps even though there are no pockets on the back. Also, I hand basted some seams with crochet thread to emphasize the pattern a bit. 
All in all, I'm very pleased with the pants and I think I'll wear them a lot in the years to come.

Ako vas zanima da vidite kako sam prepravila kroj da bih dobila mornarske pantalone, pogledajte sledeća dva posta:

If you're interested to see how I altered the pattern to get sailor pants, tak a look at the following two posts:

Sep 26, 2011

SSS '11 - Dani 23., 24, 25. i 26. / Days 23, 24, 25 and 26

Dan dvadeset treći.
Nakon što sam odgledala sve sezone serije Ali Mekbil, rešila sam da isprobam terapiju osmehom Džona Kejdža. Mislim da deluje! Sledeći korak bi bio da odaberem tematsku pesmu...
Suknja koju sam sama modelovala. Ima dve falte na prednjem delu, sa umecima krojenim ukoso. Suknja je bila prikazana u avgustovsko - septembarskom izdanju Sew News časopisa za 2011. godinu. 
Možete skinut kroj za suknju u veličini 40 sa Download taba bloga.

Day twenty three.
After watching all seasons of Ally McBeal, I've decided to try out John Cage's smile therapy. I think it works! The next step would be picking out a theme song...
Self drafted skirt made of plaid cotton. It has two box pleats on front, with inserts cut on bias. The skirt was featured in August / September 2011 issue of the Sew News magazine along with my article.
You can download a pattern for it in size 40 from the Download tab of the blog.

Dan dvadeset četvrti.
Baš sam arčila ove žute drangulije ovih dana, zar ne?
Suknja koju sam sama modelovala, inspirisana metodom transformacije i rekonstrukcije Šinga Satoa, i jakna prema kroju iz stare Burde.

Day twenty four.
I've been exploiting these yellow accessories these days, haven't I?
Self drafted skirt inspired by Shingo Sato's transformation and reconstruction method and a jacket made using an old BWOF pattern.

Dan dvadeset peti.
Sportski outfit za šetnju po Adi. Jakna iz Burde 6/2005, #127.

Day twenty five.
Casual outfit for a walk along the lake. Jacket from the BWOF 6/2005, #127.

Dan dvadeset šesti.
Pantalone sa visokim strukom, Burda 8/2009, #106

Day twenty six.
High waisted pants, BWOF 8/2009 #106

Sep 23, 2011

Rupice za dugmad / Buttonholes

Jedna čitateljka me zamolila da napravim post o otvaranju rupica šivaćom mašinom, pa sam se potrudila da joj izađem u susret. 
Postupak nije uopšte komplikovan, mada priznajem da mi je, kada sam počinjala sa šivenjem, ovaj proces bio prilično neshvatljiv. Čak i danas, posle 17 godina šivenja, ne volim da ih otvaram, mada sam se prilično izveštila. Moram da napomenem, ne tvrdim da je tehnika koju koristim najbolja moguća, niti da je knjiški primer kako se rupice otvaraju, ali meni odgovara i voljna sam da podelim svoje iskustvo sa vama. Budući da ja imam staru BAGAT Višnju, pokazaću vam kako se na njoj otvaraju rupice, mada je postupak na svim mašinama manje-više isti. 

Mnoge šivaće mašine imaju poseban program za otvaranje rupica, a neke imaju i dodatke u vidu papučica (nalik na papučicu prikazanu na slici levo), koji služe u ovu svrhu. Ja ne koristim slične dodatke, ne zato što ih smatram nepotrebnim, već zato što ih nemam. Morala sam da se snađem i da naučim kako da otvaram rupice koristeći pribor koji mi je bio na raspolaganju, tako da koristim običnu papučicu za cik cak bod (slika desno).

I had a reader request to make a tutorial on how to make buttonholes using sewing machine. Since my post describes how I use my BAGAT Višnja sewing machine (ex-YU brand, that does not exist anymore, but these machines are very common among us, ex-YU habitants), I advise you to consult your user manual first. I will translate to English only those parts of the text that are not related to this particular sewing machine brand and that provide some useful, common technique-vise information.

Many sewing machines have a special buttonhole stitch program, and  some of them have additional gadgets like presser feet (like the one displayed on the left pic) that are used for this purpose. Personally, I don't use the named gadgets, not because I find them useless, but because I don't have them. I had to make my way and learn how to make the buttonholes using the available accessories. Hence, I use a regular zik-zack presser foot when sewing buttonholes (picture on the right). 


Pre nego što opišem sam postupak, bitno je da znate kako da koristite mašinu. Na slici ispod sam obeležila elemente mašine koji su bitni za otvaranje rupica za dugmad. Ukoliko nemate Bagat Višnju, savetujem vam da pogledate uputstvo za upotrebu za ovaj korak.

Before I describe the procedure, you should know hos to use your sewing machine. The following few paragraphs describe how my BAGAT Visnja machine works. I advise you to take a look at your user manual for this step.

  1. Regulator boda mašine
  2. Poluga za određivanje položaja igle
  3. Poluga za određivanje širine cik-cak boda
  4. Graničnici za fiksiranje poluge 3.
  5. Regulator dužine boda
  6. Ubodna pločica
Neophodno je da podesite mašinu u odgovarajući mod da biste otvorili rupice za dugmad:
  • Postavite papučicu za štepanje cik-cak boda.
  • Ubodnu pločicu (6) posativte u položaj za štepanje cik-cak boda.
  • Polugu za određivanje položaja igle (2) postavite u krajnji levi položaj.
  • Polugu za određivanje širine cik-cak boda (3) postavite u krajnji levi položaj (0mm), i graničnicima (4) fiksirajte položaj poluge.
  • Regulator dužine boda (5) postavite na crvenu kockicu (između 0.5mm i 0mm).
  • Regulator boda mašine (1) postavite u položaj 1.

Postupak se može podeliti u pet koraka, kao što je prikazano na slici ispod.
  1. Regulator boda mašine postavite u položaj 1 i napravite par štepova. Ovim ste obradili vrh rupice.
  2. Postavite regulator boda mašine u položaj 2 i štepajte do dna rupice za dugme. Ovim ste obradili levu stranu rupice.
  3. Postavite regulator boda mašine u položaj 3 i štepajte do vrha rupice za dugme. Primetite da ovim korakom samo vraćate tkaninu na vrh rupice.  
  4. Postavite regulator boda mašine u položaj 4 i štepajte do dna rupice za dugme. Ovim ste obradili desnu stranu rupice.
  5. Regulator boda mašine postavite u položaj 5 i napravite par štepova. Ovim ste obradili i dno rupice.

Set up your machine to the buttonhole sewing mode.
The procedure can be divided into five steps, as illustrated on the picture bellow. 
  1. Set up the stitching to the position 1 and make a few stitches. This is how you sew a head of the buttonhole.
  2. Set up the stitching to the position 2 and make stitches until you reach the bottom of the buttonhole. This is how you sew a left side of the buttonhole.
  3. Set up the stitching to the position 3 and stitch back to the head of the buttonhole. Note that this step only puls your fabric back to the head of the buttonhole.  
  4. Set up the stitching to the position 4 and make stitches until you reach the bottom of the buttonhole. This is how you sew a right side of the buttonhole.
  5. Set up the stitching to the position 5 and make a few stitches. This is how you sew a bottom of the buttonhole.

Provucite konce na naličje tkanine i vežite ih u čvor pre nego što otsečete višak. Prosecite rupicu od ivice do ivice koristeći paralicu ili makazice za nokte. Videla sam da neki koriste i posebno dleto za otvaranje rupica, koje pod udarcem čekića probija rupicu. Nisam isprobala lično ovaj metod, ali verujem da je praktičan.

Pull the threads to the wrong side of the fabric and tie them up in knots before cutting them off. Using a seam ripper or a pair of small scissors, cut the buttonhole. I've seen that some use a buttonhole chisel, that cut the buttonhole under the pressure of a hammer. I haven't tried this method, but I believe it's very practical.


Još par korisnih informacija.
Ukoliko niste ranije otvarali rupice za dugmad, savetujem vam da prvo isprobate ovu tehniku na ostacima tkanine, pre nego što počnete da šijete na konkretnom komadu garderobe. Obratite pažnju na to da se šavovi koji se prave prilikom otvaranja rupice veoma teško paraju, pa je nekad veoma bitno da iz prvog pokušaja napravite savršenu rupicu. Tkanine poput satena, pliša i somota su posebno problematične kada je paranje u pitanju. Takođe, bez obzira na to koji materijal imate pod rukama, trudite se da sve vreme tokom šivenja rupice za dugme držite tkaninu zategnutu i da ravnomerno povlačite materijal kroz mašinu.
Da biste dobili lepe, uredne, rupice za dugmad potebno je ojačati materijal lepljivim platnom, koje mu daje čvrstinu i omogućava da tkanina lako klizi između zubaca transportera i papučice. Ukoliko radite sa laganim, lepršavim materijalima, posebno je važno da ojačate tkaninu lepljivim platnom. Bez lepljivog platna, može se desiti da se tkanina zapetlja i uvuče u rupu u ubodnoj pločici, što dalje šivenje čini nemogućim. 
Kada određujete položaj rupica za dugmad na košuljama, jaknama, blejzerima ili kaputima, savetujem vas da prvo odredite položaj rupica na vratu i na vrhu grudi. Zatim odredite, na osnovu položaja ove dve rupice, odgovarajući razmak ostalih rupica i, shodno tome, njihov položaj. Na ovaj način ćete se osigurati da vam garderoba lepo, glatko, stoji na grudima i da se ne prave ružne rupe koje se otvaraju između dva dugmeta. 

Few more useful information.
If you haven't sewn buttonholes before, I advise you to try this technique on fabric remnants before you start sewing on the actual garment. Note that the buttonhole stitch can not be ripped off easily, so you'll might have a single chance to make a perfect buttonhole. Fabrics like satin, velvet and corduroy are especially difficult to rip off the seams from. Also, no matter which fabric you're working with, make sure you keep it straight and well strained, and that the machine is uniformly fed by the fabric.
In order to get nice and neat buttonholes, the fabric needs to be interfaced with a fusible interfacing that'll give it some sturdiness and provide that the fabric slides well under the presser foot. If you're working with light, fluid fabric, it is essential to apply interfacing. Otherwise, the fabric might get stuck under your presser foot, making the further stitching impossible. 
When defining position of the buttonholes on shirts, jackets and coats, I advise you to determine a position of the buttonholes on the neck and on the apex of your breast first. After that, arrange the remaining buttonholes. This way your clothes will sit well on your chest, without having those ugly gaps between two buttons. 

Sep 22, 2011

SSS '11 - Dani 18., 19, 20., 21. i 22. / Days 18, 19, 20, 21 and 22

Dan osamnaesti.
Ovaj dan sam preskočila. Išla sam na Adu i trebala mi je sportska odeća, koju baš i nemam (bar ne onu ručno rađenu), tako da sam bila prinuđena da preskočim slikanje ovaj put. Do duše, nosila sam po kući šorc koji sam šila, ali se nisam uslikala u njemu.

Day eighteen.
I skipped this day. I went to a local lake and needed a sporty outfit. Unfortunately, I don't have any sporty self made clothes, so I had to skip the challenge for the day. I did wear some shorts at home though, but I didn't take any pictures of it.

Dan devetnaesti.
Ponedeljak sam započela noseći bluzu i suknju. Bluzu sam zapravo šila za mamu, ali sam je suzila pre neki dan za sebe, jer joj je postala tesna. Bluza je imala crne dugmiće, koji su odlično išli uz crni paspul umetnut u šavove. Međutim, kada sam oprala košulju, dugmad su pustila boju i ofarbala je! Narednih dana sam natapala košulju izbeljivačem i prala je sve dok fleke nisu izbledele. Crne dugmiće sam zamenila novim, belim, ali planiram da prišijem novu dugmad, koja se bolje uklapaju sa košuljom.
Suknja je rađena prema kroju iz Burde 2/2007, #110, a za više detalja o njoj pogledajte ovde.

Day nineteen.
The blouse is BWOF 1/2008, #108 with piping. I actually made this one for my mom. I mentioned it before - she gained some weight recently so all of her blouses are a bit tight to her. I started narrowing them down one by one to make them fit me. This one is my absolute favorite. The blouse used to have black buttons, but they bled color once I washed it and left ugly grayish stains on button closure. I soaked the blouse into the bleach and washed it over and over again until the stains washed away. Phew!
The skirt is from BWOF 2/2007, #110. Read more about it here.

Dan dvadeseti.
Bella pantalone i mornarska majica (kupljena).

Day twenty one.
Bella pants and a sailor tee (|RTW).

Dan dvadeset prvi.
Jedna smešna slika da ulepša oblačni dan :-).

Day twenty one.
A funny picture to brighten a cloudy day.

Dan dvadeset drugi.
Kako pravite frizuru ujutru, pred polazak na posao? Evo tutorijala koji opisuje kako ja to radim. Znam, postupak je izuzetno komplikovan, ali verujem da sam dovoljno dobro ilustrovala sve korake. Slobodno me kontaktirajte ako imate nekih nedoumica.

Day twenty two.
How do you make your hair in the morning? Here's a tutorial on how I do it. The procedure is quite complicated, but I believe I've illustrated it well for you. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
Patrones No. 269, #36 (Lasserre) pattern with alterations on skirt.

Novo izdanje Sew News časopisa / A new issue of the Sew News magazine

Juče sam dobila oktobarsko - novembrarsko izdanje Sew News časopisa za 2011. godinu. U ovom broju opisujem kako se pravi kroj za jednu od mojih omiljenih suknji, koja ima pojas asimetričnog oblika, kao i asimetrično aranžirane falte na levoj i desnoj butini. 
Ovu suknju sam sašila pre par godina, u naletu inspiracije, i jako je volim. Naravila sam je u dahu - od modelovanja kroja do šivenja, sve je bilo gotovo za jedno veče. Materijal je lepa, meka vuna, koju sam kupila veoma povoljno u Italtes radnji. Slučajno se našao pri ruci kada sam pripremila kroj, a rezultat je bio bolji od očekivanog.
Kroj za ovu suknju možete skinuti sa Download taba bloga, u veličini 40. Kroj ima i prateće instrukcije za šivenje, koje su na engleskom jeziku, ali su veoma detaljne.

I received yesterday a package with October - November 2011 issue of the Sew News magazine. I teach the readers in this issue how to draft a pattern for one of my favorite skirts, which has an asymmetrical waist yoke and pleats that are asymmetrically arranged on front.
I made the skirt few years ago, while having a burst of inspiration. It was sewn in one breath - I drafted a pattern and sewed it in one night. The fabric is a beautiful, very soft wool that I bought as a bargain in a local Italtes store. I happened to have it in my stash when I drafted the pattern, and the end result was better than expected. 
You can download the pattern for the skirt, in size 40, from the Download tab of the blog. The pattern has accompanying sewing instructions in English, which are very detailed.

I, čisto da se pohvalim da i ja lepo izledam u njoj, evo slike da demonstrira kako meni stoji   ;-).

And, I have to brag a bit and demonstrate you that I look good in it too ;-).

Danas videh da je još jedan moj kroj na "tapetu" ovih dana. Izgleda da je afrička haljina veoma popularna na Burda Style sajtu, odakle je kroj za istu skinut više od 12.000 puta! I ovaj kroj možete skinuti sa Download taba bloga, a na Burda Style sajtu možete videti i brojne, veoma zanimljive i lepe, varijacije koje su pravili članovi sajta.

Today I discovered that one more of my patterns is being popular these days. Seems like The African Dress pattern has been very popular on the Burda Style website, from which it has been downloaded more than 12.000 times! You can download this pattern from the Download tab, too, and you can see many interesting, beautiful variations on it that were made by the site users.

Sep 18, 2011

SSS '11 - Dani 14., 15, 16. i 17. / Days 14, 15, 16 and 17

Dan četrnaesti.
Haljina rađena prema kroju iz španskog časopisa Patrones No. 269, #28 (Tintoretto). Za više detalja o haljini pogledajte ovde. Jako volim ovu haljinu, veoma je udobna, prijatna za vrele letnje dane, i prikladna za posao. 

Day fourteen.
A dress made using the pattern from the Spanish Patrones No. 269, #28 (Tintoretto). Blogged about it here. I really like this dress, it's so comfortable, cozy for the hot summer days and office appropriate.

Dan petnaesti.
Haljina prema kroju sa Modern Sewing sajta, više detalja o njoj pročitajte ovde

Day fifteen.
A dress made using a pattern from the Modern Sewing website. For more details on it, take a look here.

Dan šesnaesti.
Bela bluza na tufne. U pitanju je izmenjen kroj iz Burde 1/2008, #108. Za više detalja, pogledajte ovde.

Day sixteen.
White blouse with black polka dots. I altered the BWOF 1/2008, #108 pattern. Blogged about it here.

Dan sedamnaesti.
Paunova suknja, prema kroju iz Burde 2/2007, #113. Pisala sam o njoj ovde.

Day seventeen.
The peacock's skirt, using the BWOF 2/2007, #113. For more details on it, take a look here.

Sep 14, 2011

SSS '11 - Dani 11., 12, i 13. / Days 11, 12 and 13

Dan jedanaesti.
Većinu dana sam provela na Adi, pa mi je trebala udobna odeća. Ova haljina je bila zgodna spram prilike. Sašila sam je pre otprilike 5 godina, kopirajući kroj sa kupljene haljine. Materijal je vezeni lan.

Day eleven.
I spent most of the day on the local lake, so I needed a comfortable outfit. This dress was suitable for the occasion. I sewed it approximately 5 years ago, by copying a RTW dress. The fabric is embroidered linen.

Dan dvanaesti.
Mala haljina za vrele dane. Model sam sama pravila, a kroj možete skinuti sa Download taba u veličini 38-40.

Day twelve.
A little dress for hot summer days. I drafted the pattern myself; you can download the pattern in size 30-40 from the Download tab.

Dan trinaesti.
Danas sam kompletno odevena u ručno rađenu garderobu. Bluza iz Burde 10/2004, #116, i suknja sa Leko sajta, #5681.

Day thirteen.
All self stitched today. The blouse is BWOF 10/2004, #116, and the skirt is Leko pattern, #5681, with alterations.

Sep 11, 2011

SSS '11 - Dani 8., 9. i 10. / Days 8, 9 and 10

Dan osmi.
Haljina koju sam sašila pre koji mesec. Koristila sam kroj za haljinu iz Burde 5/2011, #128, a više detalja o haljini možete pročitati ovde.

Day eight.
The dress I sewed few months ago. I used the BWOF 5/2011, #128 pattern, read more here.

Dan deveti.
Pantalone prema kroju iz Burde 8/2009, #106.

Day nine.
High waisted pants, BWOF 8/2009 #106

Dan deseti.
Bluza prema kroju iz Burde 1/2008, #108. Ovu bluzu sam zapravo napravila mami, ali joj je postala tesna. Bluzu sam malo suzila u struku, što je bila prilično jednostavna izmena. Biser je to što sada imam dve identične košulje, jer sam uz ovu, napravila i sebi jednu pre koju godinu.

Day ten.
A blouse made using the BWOF 1/2008, #108 pattern. I actually made this one for my mom, but as she gained some weight the blouse became a bit tight to her. I had to narrow down the blouse a bit to make it fit me, but it was a piece of cake. Now I have two identical blouses, since I had made one for myself too!

Sep 7, 2011

SSS '11 - Dani 5., 6. i 7. / Days 5, 6 and 7

Dan peti.
Ovih dana sam raspoložena za eksperimentisanje sa detaljima u jarkim bojama. Već sam imala cipele u živim bojama, red je došao na kaiševe, tašne i nakit. Ova kombinacija mi se veoma dopala - crna bluza šivena prema kroju iz Burde 10/2004, #116 i kupljena suknja zajedno izgledaju kao haljina, a žuti aksesoar oplemenjuje i oživljava crnilo garderobe. 
I kao sasvim sporadičan detalj, moram da se pohvalim da mi se desio divan momenat na ulici - prišla mi je nepoznata gospođa da pohvali moj izgled. Nema lepšeg osećaja!

Day five.
I've been experimenting with details in bold colors lately. I've already had shoes in all the bright colors, and it was time to start collecting belts, purses and jewelry. I like this combination very much - a black self made blouse (BWOF 10/2004, #116) and a thrifted skirt together look like a dress, while the yellow accessories brighten up and give a life to the blackness of the garments.
And a quite miscellaneous detail, I have to brag a bit that I had a great moment on the street - a lady whom I don't know approached me to compliment my looks. Is there a better feeling?

Dan šesti.
Koralno-teget kombinacija danas na repertoaru. Bluza iz Burde 1/2008, #108 i Bella pantalone sa Burda Style sajta.

Day six.
Coral and navy combo today. Blouse from BWOF 1/2008, #108 and Bella pants from Burda Style.

Dan sedmi.
Jedna od najlepših haljina koju sam napravila, šivena prema kroju sa m-sewing sajta.

Day seven.
One of the prettiest dresses I have ever made. I used the m-sewing pattern.

Sep 5, 2011

SSS '11 - Dani 2., 3. i 4. / Days 2, 3, and 4

Dan drugi.
Potpuno sumanuto, uspela sam da se razbolim! Probudila sam se sa bolom u grlu i blagom temperaturom. Jedini izlazak iz kuće je bio odlazak kod lekara (koji mi je prepisao 5 penicilin injekcija), i tom prilikom nosila sam bele lanene pantalone. Slika ispod zapravo nije uslikana pre neki dan, već u Junu, ali je odevna kombinacija koju sam ovog nemilog dana obukla identična ovoj na slici.

Day two.
Completely insanely - I managed to get sick! I woke up with sore throat and mild fever. The only coming-out from the house was a visit to the doctor's (who prescribed me 5 penicillin shots), when I wore the white linen pants. The picture below wasn't taken 2 days ago, but in June, but my outfit from the other day was the exact same as the one on the pic.

Dan treći.
Na moju sreću, penicilin deluje munjevitom brzinom, i već posle prve injekcije sam se osetila mnogo bolje. Čak sam dozvolila sebi da izađem uveče, a evo šta sam nosila. Napomena - suknja nije mojih ruku delo.

Day three.
Luckily, the penicillin had an instant effect and I felt much better after the first shot. I even got out in the evening, and here's what I wore. Disclaimer: the skirt was not self made.

Dan četvrti.
Crvena suknja sa rastpoljenim tufnama. Pitam se, da li je dizajner dezena tkanine bio inspirisan Dalijevim Mekim satovima?

Day four.
The red skirt with melted polka dots. I wonder whether the fabric designer was inspired by Dali's Melted watches?