
Sep 22, 2011

SSS '11 - Dani 18., 19, 20., 21. i 22. / Days 18, 19, 20, 21 and 22

Dan osamnaesti.
Ovaj dan sam preskočila. Išla sam na Adu i trebala mi je sportska odeća, koju baš i nemam (bar ne onu ručno rađenu), tako da sam bila prinuđena da preskočim slikanje ovaj put. Do duše, nosila sam po kući šorc koji sam šila, ali se nisam uslikala u njemu.

Day eighteen.
I skipped this day. I went to a local lake and needed a sporty outfit. Unfortunately, I don't have any sporty self made clothes, so I had to skip the challenge for the day. I did wear some shorts at home though, but I didn't take any pictures of it.

Dan devetnaesti.
Ponedeljak sam započela noseći bluzu i suknju. Bluzu sam zapravo šila za mamu, ali sam je suzila pre neki dan za sebe, jer joj je postala tesna. Bluza je imala crne dugmiće, koji su odlično išli uz crni paspul umetnut u šavove. Međutim, kada sam oprala košulju, dugmad su pustila boju i ofarbala je! Narednih dana sam natapala košulju izbeljivačem i prala je sve dok fleke nisu izbledele. Crne dugmiće sam zamenila novim, belim, ali planiram da prišijem novu dugmad, koja se bolje uklapaju sa košuljom.
Suknja je rađena prema kroju iz Burde 2/2007, #110, a za više detalja o njoj pogledajte ovde.

Day nineteen.
The blouse is BWOF 1/2008, #108 with piping. I actually made this one for my mom. I mentioned it before - she gained some weight recently so all of her blouses are a bit tight to her. I started narrowing them down one by one to make them fit me. This one is my absolute favorite. The blouse used to have black buttons, but they bled color once I washed it and left ugly grayish stains on button closure. I soaked the blouse into the bleach and washed it over and over again until the stains washed away. Phew!
The skirt is from BWOF 2/2007, #110. Read more about it here.

Dan dvadeseti.
Bella pantalone i mornarska majica (kupljena).

Day twenty one.
Bella pants and a sailor tee (|RTW).

Dan dvadeset prvi.
Jedna smešna slika da ulepša oblačni dan :-).

Day twenty one.
A funny picture to brighten a cloudy day.

Dan dvadeset drugi.
Kako pravite frizuru ujutru, pred polazak na posao? Evo tutorijala koji opisuje kako ja to radim. Znam, postupak je izuzetno komplikovan, ali verujem da sam dovoljno dobro ilustrovala sve korake. Slobodno me kontaktirajte ako imate nekih nedoumica.

Day twenty two.
How do you make your hair in the morning? Here's a tutorial on how I do it. The procedure is quite complicated, but I believe I've illustrated it well for you. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
Patrones No. 269, #36 (Lasserre) pattern with alterations on skirt.

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