
Sep 1, 2011

Self Stitched September 2011

Dragi čitaoci, izvinjavam se zbog zatišja na blogu u poslednja 2 meseca. Godišnji odmor mi je jako prijao, ali je istovremeno isprovocirao želju da zujim unaokolo, tako da sam malo vremena provodila u kući. Uspela sam nešto malo da sašijem: dve suknje za mamu, koje smo zapravo pravile u tandemu (ona je krojila, ja sam šila). Prugastu haljinu koju sam najavila u prethodnom postu nisam ni počela da pravim, ali je kroj za istu spreman, tako da možete očekivati u narednim danima nekoliko postova na tu temu. 

Od ostalih vesti, zanimljivost je da sam započela pripreme za odlazak u Njujork u Novembru, gde bi trebalo da provedem mesec dana. Ugovorila sam sa Burda Style sajtom da to vreme iskoristim stažirajući kod njih, tako da me očekuje veoma zanimljivo iskustvo. 

U međuvremenu, još malo ću vas gnjaviti svojom ručno rađenom garderobom. Zoe je opet organizovala svoju igru, ovaj put pod nazivom Self Stitched September 11. Ukoliko i vi želite da učestvujete, prijavite se na Zoinom blogu.

Današnja haljina je napravljena pre dosta godina, nakon što sam se vratila sa svog prvog odmora iz Španije. Ova zemlja me toliko fascinirala, da nisam mogla a da ne napravim svoju verziju flamenko haljine. Haljina je od lana, ukrašena crvenom satenskom trakom. Kroj za haljinu sam sama pravila.

Dear readers, I apologize for being so quiet in the past 2 months. The vacation I took was so good, but it lit the fire in me - I spent most of the days wandering around and didn't spend much time in the house. I managed to sew a bit: two skirts for my mom, that we did in collaboration (she cut the fabric, and I sewed). I haven't even started working on the striped dress that I announced in the last post. However, the pattern is ready, so you can expect a few posts on the subject in the days to come.

In other news, I started preparations for my trip to New York City in November, where I should stay for a month. I arranged with Burda Style to spend the time doing an internship at the website, so I expect a very interesting experience over there.

In the meanwhile, I'll bug you a bit with my self made clothes. Zoe organized again the Self Stitched September. You can join the game too, at her blog.

Today's dress was made ages ago, after my first vacation in Spain. The country fascinated me that much that I could not resist making my version of the flamenco dress. The dress is made of linen, trimmed with red satin sash. I drafted the pattern myself.


  1. Stilizovana ideja i divna letnja haljina! Dopada mi se i baš to malo crvene trake jer ideju čini ,,pravom,,.Što se tiče planova i predstojećih obaveza divim se da si prokrčila put sebi na tom polju ,pored osnovnog zanimanja i škole ( jer obrazovanje je najbitnije ) i želim ti svaku sreću i puno uspeha u svemu!

  2. Anonymous9/22/2011

    This dress is so summery and gorgeous, I'm glad you took it out of the closet for SSS. You're coming to NYC?!?! So awesome! I can't wait to see what you and Burda Style have planned :D
