
Mar 10, 2012

Novi izazov u kojem ću učestvovati / A new challenge I'm gonna take

Tili sa bloga Tilly and the Buttons organizuje zanimljiv izazov pod nazivom Jedna nedelja, jedan kroj. Ideja je da, u periodu od nedelju dana, svaki dan nosimo stvar koju smo napravili na osnovu jednog kroja. Cilj je da pokažemo koji su nam krojevi omiljeni, i koje šnitove pravimo iznova i iznova. U mom slučaju, to je očigledno: već sam pisala o svom omiljenom kroju za bluzu, iz Burde 1/2008, #108, koji sam koristila više od 10 puta za najrazličitije bluze
Dakle, u periodu od 24.03. do 30.03. svaki dan ću nositi po jednu od svojih bluza pravljenih prema pomenutom kroju. Jedva čekam da vidim šta će drugi učesnici nositi!
Ukoliko i vi želite da se priključite izazovu, možete se prijaviti na Tilinom blogu. 

Tilly of Tilly and the Buttons is organizing an interesting challenge named One week one pattern. The idea is to wear each day, during a period of one week, a garment made from a single pattern. The goal is to show our favorite patterns that we keep making over and over again. In my case, it's very easy: I've already written about my favorite blouse pattern from BWOF 1/2008, #108, that I've used more than 10 times to make the most different blousest.
So, during the period from 24.03. to 30.03. I'm gonna wear each day one of the blouses made after the named pattern. I can't wait to see what other participants are going to wear!
If you want to join the challenge, you can apply via Tilly's blog.


  1. Ovo je odlicna ideja, jer zaista jedan dobar kroj moze da se varira na nebrojeno puno nacina... :)

  2. More than 10 times... wow!

    I think I am going to join in this challenge too, just need to decide which pattern to use.

  3. Wow! Esto es un reto muy gratificante , así que voy a estar atenta para disfrutar de toda tu imaginación.

  4. I've joined this challenge too! But I'm not sure whether we all get to put our pictures in one place, like we did with Zoe's challenge, do you know?? I hope we do!
    and thanks for your kind congratulations! That meant a lot to me, coming from a seamstress as accomplished as yourself!

    1. Hi Carolyn, I missed Zoe's challenge so much and this one seemed interesting. As far as I understood, Tilly will ask all the participants, once the challenge is finished, to share their photos (on her blog, or somewhere else - that's what I didn't quite understand). I think there won't be any Flickr or similar group during the challenge. I preferred open groups and photos, too...

    2. devijčice imaš izazov kod mene pogledaj ...
