
Dec 9, 2012

TR Masterklas - 5. zadatak (2. opcija) / TR Masterclass - 5th task (2nd option)

OK, prethodni post odnosio se na interpretaciju petog zadatka (nabori, valovi i džep na bluzi bez rukava), ali nisam bila sigurna da moja interpretacija u potpunosti zadovoljava kriterijume. Zato sam rešila da napravim još jednu verziju, jer nisam želela da budem diskvalifikovana iz grupe zbog tehničke omaške. I tako, napravih još jednu verziju, vidno drugačiju od prethodne. 
Ovaj put nisam imala neku konkretnu formu, sliku ili oblik kao polaznu osnovu. Zapravo, krenula sam od ideje da napravim vrlo specifičan "rukav", koji izgleda kao šešir na ramenu, gledano iz profila (podseća me na damske šešire koji su se nosili u prošlosti). Imala sam malo problema da osmislim ostatak bluze, jer karneri i valovi nisu baš po mom ukusu, a nisam želela da napravim nešto što mi se ne bi svidelo. Palo mi je na pamet da karner dodam na bok, a odatle su se ideje ređale jedna za drugom, vodeći ka ovakvoj finalnoj verziji. Sada sam sigurna da bluza zadovoljava sve kriterijume.

OK, the last post referred to an interpretation of the fifth task (gathers, flounces and pocket incorporated in a sleeveless top), but I wasn't sure my version quite met the requirements of the task. So I made another version, because I didn't want to be disqualified from the class due to a technical error. Here's a new version, quite different from the previous one.
This time I had no specific form, picture or shape as a start basis. Actually, I started from an idea to make a very specific "sleeve", that would look like a hat on a shoulder, looking from the side (it reminds me of women's hats worn in the past days). I had difficulties envisioning the rest of the blouse, sine ruffles and flounces are not up to my aesthetics, and I didn't want to make a garment I wouldn't like. It crossed my mind to add flounce on a hip, like a peplum, and from there one idea followed the other, leading to this final version. Now I'm sure the blouse meets all the criteria.


  1. I like the other one betrer but don't take the risk of disqualifying...

  2. Ova mi se cak vise dopada :-)

  3. hmm, the sleeve does look like a bonnet. What I like about this is the way the sleeve appears to be quite structured, while the same fabric is used to create the flounce. It is amazing how one can create two different textures or effects with the same fabric. Did you submit the two, or just this one? Visually I prefer the other one, but then again you are working from a brief and it is understandable that you would want to stick to the requirements. As a software engineer I'm sure you really appreciate the need to work according to requirements. Goodluck on this one. Fingers crossed he likes it.

  4. That is a very intriguing and very clever top, and beautifully executed :)
