
Nov 17, 2014

Kad kopiraš sopstveni stil

Štepalica: Kad kopiraš sopstveni stil

Ovih dana intenzivno radim na tome da obnovim svoju garderobu. Za nekoga ko mnogo šije, i samoj mi je neobično kad se nađem pred ormanom i pomislim kako nemam šta da obučem. Međutim, realnost jeste da sam ostala bez velikog dela odeće koju sam nekada nosila - mnogo stvari se vremenom ofucalo od nošenja, neki komadi mi više nisu tako interesantni kao ranije, a usklađene kombinacije su se polako rasparile. Ne pomaže ni to što mi se telo blago promenilo, pa mi više ni omiljeni oblik i silueta ne stoje jednako dobro kao pre.
Tako sam pre par nedelja napravila veliku čistku među svojim stvarima, i pobacala ili razdelila mnoge od njih. Ako ne mogu da ih nosim, i samo zauzimaju mesto u ormanu, šta će mi?

Kada sam napravila mesto za nove stvari, zapitala sam se kakvu garderobu želim da imam. Moj stil se nije mnogo menjao tokom godina. Oduvek volim klasičnu garderobu koja prati formu tela, i koja je svedenih linija. Veoma mi se dopada odeća koja ima gotovo strogu formu nalik uniformi, ali me privlače neobični detalji i upečatljiv kroj. Takvu garderobu sam godinama pravila i u njoj se odlično osećala. I to ne želim da menjam. Ono što bih volela da postignem je da imam lepu i interesantnu a udobnu garderobu, u kojoj ne izgledam tetkasto niti infantilno, a koja je prikladna za posao.

Oduvek sam volela da nosim haljine, i verujem da u njima najbolje izgledam, mnogo bolje nego u suknjama i definitivno bolje nego u pantalonama. Međutim, nikada nisam imala mnogo zimskih haljina - uvek sam gledala da imaju rukave, a onda su mi ti rukavi bili prilično neudobni za nošenje (organičen opseg pokreta ruku; ako su 3/4 dužine, obično mi bude hladno, a ako su dugi, obično mi budu preširoki), pa sam zimi gledala da nosim suknje. Ali u suknjama sam često izgledala tetkasto. Danas mislim da je to još izraženije, što zbog novih proporcija mog tela, što zbog mojih godina.

Zato sam se odlučila za solomonsko rešenje, tj. da napravim haljine sa kratkim rukavima, ili bez rukava, koje bih nosila sa rolkama, košuljama ili majicama ispod. Kad sam uzela da smišljam detalje koje bih volela da imam na haljinama, shvatih da sam mnoge od njih već šila. A neki od njih su toliko upečatljivi, da sam sigurna da biste ih odmah prepoznali, poput ovog, ovog ili ovog. Da li bi bilo dosadno da ponovim iste detalje? Možda, ali ko bi, sem vas i mene, znao da sam iste ili slične haljine već nosila? Zato. možete očekivati da ću uskoro objaviti neke nove - stare komade.

U međuvremenu, evo još par modela koji su mi privukli pažnju, i koje bih rado šila, uz poneku izmenu. Neke od njih sigurno i hoću!




Povezani tekstovi

When you copycat your own style

Stepalica: When you recreate your own style

These days I've been working on rebuilding my wardrobe. As someone who sews a lot, I find it quite unusual to stand in front of the closet thinking I have nothing to wear. But the reality is I am left without lots of the clothes I used to wear - lots of things got worn out, some pieces I don't find as attractive as I used to, and the outfits I used to wear are mismatched now. It doesn't help the fact that my body changed so the favorite shape and siluette don't fit as good as they used to.
So I made a major closet purge few weeks ago and tossed or gave away lots of my garments. I mean, if I can't wear them, and they are taking up a lot of space, what's the point in having all these clothes?

Once I made space for new stuff, I starded wondering what kind of clothes I would like to have. Well, my style hasn't changed much over the time. I've always loved classical clothes that fits, and that has a simple shape. I love the looks of uniforms, combined with unusual details and a striking pattern. That was the clothes I've been sewing for years and felt good in it. And I don't want to change that. I would like to have an interesting and comfortable wardrobe that doesn't make me look neither too matrony nor too youthful, and that is office appropriate.

I've always loved wearing dresses, as I think I look my est in them, better than in skirts, and definitely much better than in pants. However, I've never had many winter dresses - I used to make them with sleeves which always felt quite uncomfortable (they limit the hands' movement range, if they are 3/4 sleeves I am often cold, and if they are long sleeves, they are often too wide for my liking). And so I used to wear skirts at winter. But the skirts would make me look too matroney too frequently. I think even more so now, due to current body proportions and my age.

So I opted for dresses with short sleeves or no sleeves at all, which I would wear with turtlenecks or shirth beneath. I've been thinking of the details I would like to incorporate, and realiyed I have already utiliyed many of them. And some of the details are so bold, I am sure you would recognize them straight away, like thisthis or this one. Would repeating the same details make my clothes kind of boring? Perhaps it would, but besides you and me who would know I had the same or similar dresses before? So there you have it - you can expect to see some old - new garments soon over here.

Menwhile, here are several more models that caught my eye and that I would love to make. Some of them i definitely will!




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