
Mar 18, 2014

Zlata skirt sewalong: #12 Sew a lapped zipper

Zlata skirt sewalong: #12 Sew a lapped zipper

Today we're sewing a lapped zipper. Since I didn't use this technique on any of my skirts I will show you the method on some fabric scraps from my stash. Off course, you can apply the same principle on the skirt.

So, once you have sewed the left side seam of the skirt and pressed the seams open, fold the seam allowances towards the wrong side of the fabric and press them.

Zlata skirt sewalong: #12 Sew a lapped zipper

Lay the zipper under the fabric, aligning the right side of the teeth with the right side of the slit. Try to place the fabric as close as possible to the zipper teeth. Pin the skirt to the zipper.

Zlata skirt sewalong: #12 Sew a lapped zipper

Place the left side of the slit next to the right one, thus smoothly closing the slit. Pin the skirt to the zipper along the left side of the slit.

Zlata skirt sewalong: #12 Sew a lapped zipper

Zlata skirt sewalong: #12 Sew a lapped zipper

Repin the zipper fron the wrong side of the fabric, slowly by removing the pins one by one from the right side of the fabric and placing them to the wrong side. This time, pin the zipper only to the seam allowances, but not to the skirt fabric.

Zlata skirt sewalong: #12 Sew a lapped zipper

Sew the zipper to the seam allowances of the slit, by sewing in direction from the top towards the bottom edge of the zipper.

Zlata skirt sewalong: #12 Sew a lapped zipper

Using the technique I described in the previous article, sew the lining to the skirt along the waistline and along the zipper slit.

Once you've done that, topstitch along the zipper, trying to stitch as close as possible to the zipper on the right side of the slit, and stitching approximately 1 cm away from the zipper on its left side.

Zlata skirt sewalong: #12 Sew a lapped zipper

Zlata skirt sewalong: #12 Sew a lapped zipper

Zlata Sewalong - the posts

Tomorrow I'll show you how to make a button close as another way to close the skirt.

Stay tuned!

How to buy the pattern

Stepalica: Zlata skirt pattern
Zlata skirt pattern costs $11.98,and it can be bought via my Etsy shop
I use 2Checkout as a payment collector - it is an equivalent to PayPal - which accepts the following payment methods:

* PayPal via 2checkout (
* Credit / Debit cards via 2checkout : Visa, Dina Card, Master Card, American Express, Discover

PayPal doesn't support selling option for my country yet, so I use 2Checkout payment collector instead.

When making a purchase order, select "Other" in the payment options. I have to manually issue an invoice for you, via 2Checkout system. The invoice contains a link where you can complete the purchase - it's a page on 2Checkout's website. Once you fill in your billing information, you can chose to pay either by using PayPal account or your credit card. You don't have to register to 2checkout and you won't be charged any additional fees. It's simple, fast and secure. Once the payment is completed, I will enable the pattern download on my Etsy store. I monitor the state of my Etsy store several times a day, and I get instant emails whenever any change is made, so the purchase is usually completed within the same day. Sometimes, due to my daily duties and a time zone differences, it takes more than a day to complete the purchase.

For any additional information about the pattern or the purchase, feel free to email me at: anajan.stepalica [at] gmail [dot] com

Šivenje Zlata suknje: #12 prišivanje rajsferšlusa sa preklopom

Šivenje Zlata suknje: #12 prišivanje rajsferšlusa sa preklopom

Danas se bavimo prišivanjem običnog rajsferšlusa, tako da ima preklop. Pošto nisam ovu tehniku primenila ni na jednoj od svojih sukanja, pokazaću vam kako se ista izvodi na ostacima materijala koje sam imala. Jasno vam je da ćete isti princip primeniti i na suknji.

Dakle, kada ste sastavili suknju duž levog bočnog šsava, raspeglajte šavove, a ivice šlica presavijte ka naličju materijala i prepeglajte.

Šivenje Zlata suknje: #12 prišivanje rajsferšlusa sa preklopom

Postavite rajsferšlus ispod materijala, pa poravnajte desnu ivicu zubaca sa desnom stranom šlica. Trudite se da materijal što više približite zupcima. Uhvatite špenadlama suknju za rajsferšlus.

Šivenje Zlata suknje: #12 prišivanje rajsferšlusa sa preklopom

Postavite levu ivicu šlica tik uz desnu, tako da fino zatvaraju šlic. Uhvatite špenadlama suknju za levu stranu rajsferšlusa.

Šivenje Zlata suknje: #12 prišivanje rajsferšlusa sa preklopom

Šivenje Zlata suknje: #12 prišivanje rajsferšlusa sa preklopom

Polako da ne biste poremetili prethodno poravnate ivice materijala, prebacite špenadle, jednu po jednu, sa lica materijala na naličje. Ovaj put, špenadlama spajajte traku rajsfešlusa samo sa dodacima za šavove, ne hvatajući i sloj suknje.

Šivenje Zlata suknje: #12 prišivanje rajsferšlusa sa preklopom

Prišijte rajsferšlus za dodatke za šavove, šijući u pravcu od gornje ka donjoj ivici mehanizma.

Šivenje Zlata suknje: #12 prišivanje rajsferšlusa sa preklopom

Koristeći tehniku koju sam opisala u prethodnom članku, prišijte postavu za suknju duž linije struka, ali i duž samog rajsferšlusa.

Kada ste to obavili, proštepajte suknju duž ivica šlica, štepajući tik uz zupce sa desne strane rajsferšlusa, i na oko 1 cm udaljenosti od leve strane rajsferšlusa.

Šivenje Zlata suknje: #12 prišivanje rajsferšlusa sa preklopom

Šivenje Zlata suknje: #12 prišivanje rajsferšlusa sa preklopom

Šivenje Zlata suknje - članci

Sutra ću vam pokazati kako da napravite kopčanje sa dugmićima, kao još jedan alternativni vid zakopčavanja suknje.

Pratite dalje postove!

Kupovina kroja

Zlata kroj za suknju košta $11.98, ali kupci iz Srbije ovaj šnit mogu kupiti za upola manje novca, tj. za 500 RSD.

Kroj se može kupiti u dolarskoj valuti preko moje onlajn prodavnice na Etsy sajtu, ili uplatom novca u dinarskoj valuti na moj žiro račun.

Napominjem da dinarske cene ne važe ukoliko kupujete preko Etsy prodavnice.

Za sve dodatne informacije o kupovini, molim vas šaljite mi email na adresu: anajan.stepalica [at] gmail [dot] com.

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