Da li ste se bavili analizom boja? Vodite li računa o tome koje boje vam dobro stoje, i nosite li samo te boje, ili se ne obazirete na to, noseći ono što vam se sviđa? Isto pitanje je postavio Piter pre neki dan na svom blogu, i doveo me u razmišljanje.
Have you ever consulted a color analysis? Do you wear only those colors that suit you, or you simply wear the ones you like? Piter asked the same question a few days ago and made me thinking.
Da bih nastavila sa daljom pričom, moram da napravim malu digresiju. Počela sam da se šminkam kada sam imala 17-18 godina. Kao i svaki početnik, nisam znala šta mi stoji i koje boje da koristim, pa sam se poslužila stručnom literaturom. Naime, pozajmila sam od rođake knjigu o šminkanju i tada sam saznala da postoji tzv. analiza boja, koja ljude razvrstava u četiri osnovna grupe, a na osnovu njihovog izgleda, tj. dominantnih boja kože, kose i očiju. Prepoznala sam se kao crnka svetle puti i zaključila da sam tip Zima, kojoj stoje hladne, jarke boje. Počela sam da koristim sive i srebrne senke i stavljala crveni karmin, jer je to bila preporuka stručnjaka. I to je izgledalo otprilike ovako:
Let me explain myself. I started using makeup when I was 17-18. As a beginner, I didn't know what looked best on me and which colors suited me, so I used a specialized literature. I borrowed a makeup book guide and found out there was a so called color analysis which recognized four basic types of people, based on their appearances, meaning colors of their skin, hair and eyes. I recognized myself as a pale dark haired girl, and concluded I was a Winter. And Winters suited cool bright colors. I started using silver and gray eye shadows and red lipstick and ended up looking like this:
Po mom mišljenju, ne baš sjajno, mada ne mogu reći da je to izgled nad kojim bih se zgrozila. Ali, verujem da šminka nije istakla ono najbolje na meni.
Not great in my opinion, though I can't say it was a terrible look. However, I see the makeup didn't emphasize the best on me.
Godinama kasnije postala sam svesna da nisam tipična Zima, jer mi samo neke hladne boje stoje sjajno. Primera radi, ova plava boja (jedina među svetlo plavim nijansama koja mi se dopada) me čini bledom i anemičnom.
Years later I was aware I wasn't a typical Winter, since only some of the bright colors suited me. As an example, this shade of blue (which is the only shade of light blues I like) makes me look very washed out.
Ali, ako nisam prava Zima, koji sam tip? Nakon što sam pročitala Piterov post, rešila sam da utvrdim koje su moje boje. Unazad par dana sam studirala po internetu sve članke na temu analize boja, i shvatila da, sem nevedena četiri tipa, postoje i pod-tipovi, koji malo bliže određuju kolorit koji svakom tipu najbolje stoji.
Pored osnovnih karakteristika, ispituje se osvetljenost i kontrast, kao i hladnoća / toplina boja koje čine izgled pojedinca.
But, if I'm not a Winter, which type am I? After reading Peter's post, I decided to determine my coloring. For the last few days I've been studying over the internet all the articles I could find about color analysis and found out there were, beside the basic four types, several more sub types, that closely and more accurately defined one's colors.
Along with the basic characteristics, hue / saturation and coolness / softness of one's colors is considered.
Shvatila sam da postoje dva podtipa koji najviše liče na mene: Tamna Zima i Tamna Jesen. Ovi tipovi se prelivaju iz jednog u drugi, a karakterišu ih veliki kontrasti u osnovnim bojama kože, očiju i kose, kao i tamne i jake boje koje im pristaju. Razlika između ova dva tipa je zapravo u tonu kože: Zima ima plavičast ton kože, dok Jesen ima žućkasto-maslinast. I tad sam počela da razmišljam da ja uopšte nisam tip Zima, već tip Jesen, što je bilo prilično iznenađujuće, jer sam Jesen povezivala sa narandžasto - smeđim tonovima, crvenkastom kosom i zelenim očima (stereotip).
I realized there were two sub types that looked like me: Deep Winter and Deep Autumn. These types blend into each other and their major characteristics are deep contrasts in basic skin, hair and eyes colors, along with the bright colors that suit the wearer. The difference is in the skin tone: Deep Winter has a blueish undertone, while Deep Autumn has a yellowish one. That's when I started thinking I wasn't Winter at all, but a Autumn. It was a big surprise to me, since I've always related Autumn to orange - brownish tones, with red hair and green eyes (a stereotype).
Počela sam da kopam po svojim slikama, ne bih li objektivno sagledala sebe. Našla sam dve slike na kojima sam bez šminke, ali malo potamnela od sunčanja. Kao što vidite, moja koža ima maslinast ton. Kosa ima diskretan crveni pigment, i nije crna, već tamno smeđa, a oči su mešavina maslinasto zelene i svetlo smeđe boje. A to su tipične karakteristike Tamne Jeseni.
So I started digging in my photos, determined to see myself objectively. I found two pictures where I had no makeup, but I tanned a bit. As you can see, my skin has an olive undertone. Hair has a discrete red pigment and it's dark brown, not black. Eyes are mixture of olive green and light brown. And these are typical characteristics of Deep Autumn.
Zatim sam uzela da gledam boje koje nosim, i upoređivala koje mi bolje stoje.
Then I analysed the colors I wear and compared them.
Lavanda ljubičasta, spram tamno ljubičaste: bolja je tamna. Iako obe spadaju u hladne boje, tamno ljubičasta je bliža nijansama Tamne Jeseni.
Lavender vs. eggplant: eggplant wins. They are both cool colors, but the eggplant is closer to the Deep Purple coloring.
Srebrna spram nežne slonovače: pobeđjuje slonovača!
Silver vs. ivory: ivory wins!
Bright green vs. olive: olive makes me look natural (though I like how I look in bright green too).
Ipak, najviše me iznendadilo ovo poređenje: sivo srebrna spram zemljane boje senfa. Zdravije i upečatljivije izgledam u zemljanoj nijansi.
I was most surprised by this comparison: silver gray vs. earthy mustard. I look healthier and more prominent in the mustard.
No, da pokažem da nisu sve klasične zemljane boje bolje za mene. Sivo žuta haljina mi mnogo lepše stoji od svetlog kompleta koji preliva boje slonovače, zlatne i maslinasto zelene. Ali, i ovo je u skladu sa osobinama Tamne Jeseni, kojoj se preporučuje da nosi kontrastne kombinacije.
And here's a proof not all typical earthy colors are for me. The yellow - gray looks much better on me than light suit in ivory, gold and olive. However, this is what color analysis have recommended to the Deep Autumn - to wear contrasting colors.
I konačno, evo preporučene palete boja. Raduje me što su maslinasto zelena i tamno ljubičasta medju njima, jer volim da ih nosim. Takođe, tu je i limeta zelena, još jedna od dragih boja.
Finally, here's the recommended color palette. I'm happy to see olive and deep purple among these, since I love wearing them. There is lime green too, one more of the favorite colors.
Ono što ovde nedostaje je smaragdno zelena, u kojoj verujem da super izgledam.
What's missing here is an emerald, which looks great on me, I think.
Mislite li da sam pogodila svoj kolorit, ili pak grešim? Ja još uvek nisam 100% sigurna, ali sam voljna da malo više obratim pažnju na boje.
So, do you think I discovered what my coloring is, or am I wrong? I'm not 100% sure I've found the right palette, but I'm willing to pay attention to colors in the future.