Jul 9, 2015

Tufnasta haljina sa čvorom

Dok sam šila ovu neobičnu haljinu za drugaricu, prošla sam kroz nekoliko faza i raspoloženja prema kroju. Da potsetim, u pitanju je kroj iz Burde 12/2012, #112. Prvo sam bila raspamećena njime, potom sam pomislila kako je čvor na stomaku loš detalj, koji dodaje volumen tamo gde bi ga trebalo izbegavati, a kada sam je konačno napravila divila sam se i haljini i sebi na izvedbi. Tada sam znala da želim da napravim i sebi isti model. 

Inicijalni plan je bio da iznova napravim test kroj, korigujem ga po svojim merama i građi, i zapravo odradim celu korekciju na isti način kao što sam je radila i za drugaricu. Međutim, kada sam izvadila kroj u svojoj veličini, shvatila sam da me mrzi da ponovo radim sve od nule, i rešila da malo rizikujem i skratim postupak. Zato sam prenela na svoj kroj iste korekcije koje sam napravila i na drugaricinoj haljini. Odabrala sam materijal iz svog šteka tkanina, a birala sam onaj za koji mi ne bi bilo žao da ga upropastim - sintetički saten sa elastinom, u teget boji sa bledoroze tufnicama.

Ja imam kraći torzo nego drugarica i generalno sam drugačije građena od nje, pa sam očekivala da bi kroj mogao imati dodatnih problema, i pored izmena. Kada sam probala haljinu, iznenadilo me je koliko je suknja delovala ravna i uža na meni spram toga kako isti model stoji drugarici. Skoro da sam bila razočarana. No, rešila sam da ne želim da bacim sav trud i materijal, pa sam blago modifikovala haljinu, tj. malo drugačije sam aranžirala nabore. Preklop koji se prema originalnom dizajnu uvija u čvor sam provukla kroz plastičnu kopču i prišila sa haljinu.

Na žalost, imam samo par slika u maloj rezoluciji da vam ilustrujem kako haljina izgleda na meni. Priznajem, nije tako lepa kao ona koju sam šila drugarici, ali je svakako slatka, i veoma je udobna.

Štepalica: Tufnasta haljina sa čvorom

Štepalica: Tufnasta haljina sa čvorom

Štepalica: Tufnasta haljina sa čvorom

I evo par kvalitetnijih slika haljine na krojačkoj lutki.

Štepalica: Tufnasta haljina sa čvorom

Štepalica: Tufnasta haljina sa čvorom

Povezani tekstovi

Polkadots dress with a knot

While I was making this unusual dress for a friend, my thoughts towards it changed a lot. It is a pattern from Burdastyle 12/2012, #112. At first I loved the pattern, then I thought the knot detail was adding too much bulk to waist, and when I completed the dress I was thrilled with both the dress and my execution of it. That's when I realized I wanted to make one for myself.

My initial plan was to make a muslin first and fit the dress according to my measures and body shape. However, after I traced the pattern in my size, I realized I didn't feel like doing it all over again, so I decided to take a risk and cut down the process. So I copied the alterations I did for the friend's dress to my pattern. I chose a fabric from my stash - one that I wouldn't feel sorry for if I ruined it. It was navy stretch satin with pale pink polkadots.

I have a shorter torso torso than my friend and generally speaking, we have different body shapes, so I expected some issues with the pattern. When I tried on the dress I was surprised by how differently the same model looked on me and on the friend. On me, the skirt looked less voluminous and more straight. I was almost disappointed by the dress. However, I decided to make it work, so I arranged the dress'gathers differently, so that they suited my body better. The wrap that twists into a knot on the original dress was pulled through a buckle and sewed to the dress.

Unfortunately, I have only a few pics in low resolution to show you how the dress looks on me. I admit it, it's not as pretty as the one I made for the friend, but it's still very cute and very comfortable.

Stepalica: Polkadots dress with a knot

Stepalica: Polkadots dress with a knot

Stepalica: Polkadots dress with a knot

Here are some better pics of the dress on my mannequin.

Stepalica: Polkadots dress with a knot

Stepalica: Polkadots dress with a knot

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#tutorial: how to alter a dress pattern BWOF-12/2012-112, dress
Published on
7/9/15, 7:00 AM

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