Dugo nisam postavila ništa od svojih radova, mada jesam šila. Napravila sam mužu još jednu lepu košulju, i sad čekam zgodan momenat da ga ulovim na delu i uslikam.
I haven't written a post with my creations in it for awhile, but I did sew. I made a shirt for my husband, and now I'm waiting for an appropriate moment to snap a few photos.
No, u međuvremenu, pomislih da bi bilo zanimljivo da napišem post o onome na čemu sam radila. Nije baš šivenje u pitanju, ali definitivno jeste ručni rad. U pitanju je mala polica za diskove kojoj pokušavam da nađem prenamenu. Polica je vrlo zanimljiva, od punog drveta, sa urezanim tribal motivima, i valovitog oblika iz profila. Relativno je mala, jer joj je originalna namena bila za diskove - osnova police je oko 13 cm x 14 cm, a visoka je oko 40 cm. Kupila sam je na etno bazaru ručnih radova u Atini, pre 7 godina, jer me potpuno opčinila. Zgodno je stala u kofer, i klackala sa sa mnom do Beograda.
Na žalost, polica nikad nije dobila konkretnu praktičnu namenu. Sa napretkom tehnologije, broj diskova koje sam imala se lagano smanjivao u korist fleš memorije i eksternih hard diskova, tako da nije bilo potrebe da u njoj čuvam CD-ove. Umesto toga, u policu sam stavljala sitnice s kojima nisam znala gde bih ih drugde tutnula. Kada sam kupila stan, policu sam ostavila kod roditelja, jer se nije nigde uklapala.
Pre koji dan sam pričala sa rođakom i pomenula policu, rekavši kako ne znam gde bih joj našla mesto u stanu, na šta rođaki pade sjajna misao na pamet - da policu smestim u kupatilo.
Kako bih zaštitila drvo od vlage, prelakirala sam ga mat lakom, i rešila da policama dodam i fioke.
Meanwhile, I've thought it might be interesting to write a post about the things I had worked on. It's not sewing, but it's definitely DIY. I've worked on repurposing a tiny CDs shelf. The shelf is really interesting, it's made of wood, and it has engraved some tribal motifs on sides and top, and it has a wavy shape on the side. It's relatively small, since its original purpose was to store CDs - the base is 13 cm x 14 cm, and it's 40 cm tall. I bought it 7 years ago on some ethno market in Athens, Greece. I fell in love with it the minute I saw it. Conveniently, it fit in my suitcase and rode with me back home to Belgrade.
Unfortunately, the shelf never got a practical use. As the technologies advanced, the amount of CDs reduced and I never kept them in the shelf. Instead, I used the shelf for storing tiny stuff I didn't know where else to put. When I bought a flat, I left the shelf at my parents' house, since I couldn't find a place for her at my home. A few days ago I mentioned the shelf to a cousin, saying I couldn't find a place for it. The cousin had a great solution - to put it in a bathroom.
To protect the wood from moisture, I painted it with a matte varnish, and I decided to add drawers to the shelf.
Pogled iz ptičje perspektive.
Bird eye view.
Inspiracija su mi bile pletene korpe od kanapa, kakve viđam po raznim sajtovima i časopisima o uređenju enterijera. Jako mi se dopada kombinacija punog drveta i kanapa, pa sam rešila da od kartona napravim male fioke - korpe i prelepim ih kanapom. Vodila sam računa da kutije prate oblik police, pa zato imaju ovako neobičan oblik.
Korpe u procesu pravljenja.
I took woven baskets I see on various home decoration websites and magazines as an inspiration. I really like the combination of wood and rope, so I decided to make the drawers out of cardboard, and glue rope to them. I wanted to have the drawers that would be in line with the shape of the shelf, therefore the odd shape.
The baskets in progress.
Korpa pored rolne toalet papira, da steknete uvid o dimenzijama.
A basket next to the roll of toilet paper, to get an idea of its dimensions.
Evo kako izgleda polica sa fiokama. Divno su se uklopile zajedno, i baš sam zadovoljna oblikom kutija.
Here's how the shelf looks with drawers in. They fit together great, and I'm very pleased with the shape of the baskets.
Kako bih lakse otvarala fioke, korpama sam dodala ručkice nalik na brkove :). U suštini, isplela sam pletenice od 4 niti kanapa i zalepila ih za fioke. Kako bih se osigurala da se ručkice neće odlepiti, dodatno sam ih prišila za kanap na korpama.
To make the drawers opened easily, I added handles that looked like mustaches :). I braided 4 threads of rope and glued the braids to the baskets. To fix them to the drawers additionally, I sewed them on to the rope on the baskets.
Detalj izbliza.
A evo kako polica izgleda u svom novom staništu. Dok nisam stavila toalet papir pored kutije, nisam tačno znala gde ću smestiti policu u kupatilu. A onda mi je sinulo da je savršena kao držač za papir! Sasvim zgodno, u kupatilu nemamo držač, a pored WC šolje imamo savršen ćošak za policu. U donjim fiokama mogu da držim uloške i slične higijenske sitnice. Vrlo je moguće da će vlaga vremenom deformisati kutije, ali me to ne brine previše, uvek mogu da ih zamenim novim.
Here's how it looks in its new habitat. It was not until I put the toilet paper next to the basket that I knew where I'd put the shelf in the bathroom. And then I had the A-HA moment - it was perfect as a paper holder. Quite conveniently, we didn't have a paper holder in the bathroom, and there was a perfect corner next to the toilet for the shelf. I can keep sanitary napkins or other sanitary items in the lower drawers. It's possible the moisture might deform the baskets in time, but I can always replace them with new ones.