Dec 16, 2013

Žuto-zeleni kaputić u Sew News časopisu / Yellow-olive coat in Sew News magazine

Koliko često dobijate pakete poštom? Da li vas iznenade, da li im se obradujete? Koji paket vas je posebno oduševio, i kada je to bilo? Da li ste se nekad razočarali ili bili nezadovoljni sadržajem pošiljke?

How often do you receive packages by mail? Do they surprise you, do they make you happy? Which parcel excited you, and when was it? Did you ever feel disappointed or unsatisfied with the contents of the parcel?

Budući da već imam solidan staž u saradnji sa Sew News časopisom, prilično sam navikla na slanje, ali i primanje poštanskih pošiljki. Svaka dva meseca se obradujem paketu koji dobijem iz Amerike, ali neke pakete iščekujem sa većim nestrpljenjem nego druge. Pojedini članci koje ispišem su mi draži od drugih, a neke od stvari koje napravim za magazin jedva dočekam da mi se vrate. Od te odeće se teško rastajem, jer znam da ću je ponovo videti tek za desetak meseci, a to u trenutku slanja izgleda tako daleko. Do momenta kada dobijem svoju garderobu nazad, gotovo i da zaboravim na to koliko mi je teško bilo da tu konkretnu stvar pustim na prekookeanski put, ali povremeno se nađe neki komad odeće o kome sve vreme mislim, i koji ne mogu da dočekam da mi se vrati. Ovo je posebno slučaj sa garderobom koju sašijem neposredno pred slanje, pa ni ne stignem da je obučem. 

I have been working for Sew News for few years now, so I got quite used to sending and receiving mail packages. Every two months I get a parcel from the USA, but I'm more anxious about receiving some packages than the others. I am more fond of some of the articles I write than the others, and sometimes I can't wait to get back some of the garments I made for the magazine. I have difficulties parting of these clothes, as I know it will be ten months until I see them again, which looks like a long time at the moment I'm sending them away. By the time I get back my garments, I almost forget how hard it was for me to send them to an overseas trip, but from time to time I make a garment that I think of all the time, and which I can't wait to receive back. This happens usually with the clothes I make just before mailing it, so I don't have an opportunity to wear it not even once.

Poslednji paket koji sam dobila nosio je u sebi moj žuto-zeleni kaput, kao i novo izdanje Sew News magazina, za Decembar 2013 - Januar 2014. Ovaj kaputić (zapravo, to je više mantil, budući da je napravljen od kepera) sam napravila početkom godine, nakon poduže meditacije o kroju. Sličan kaput sam videla u prodavnici pre par godina, a privukla me je neobična asimetrična kragna koja se može aranžirati na više načina, kao i rajsferšlus zakopčavanje. 

The last package I got contained my yellow and olive colourblocked coat, along with a new issue of Sew News, for December 2013 - January 2014. I made this coat (it's more of  a trench coat, since it's made of cotton twill) at the beginning of this year, after having a long and systematic brainstorming about it. I saw a similar coat in a store few years ago, and an unusual asymmetric collar that can be worn in various ways as well as the zipper closure drawn me to it.

U momentu kada sam ga videla, nisam bila potpuno sigurna da znam kako da napravim kroj za njega, pa sam ga brže-bolje skicirala po sećanju, trudeći se da zabeležim sve detalje što bolje. Mantil je čekao neko drugo vreme da bude napravljen, vreme kada ću znati kako da izmodelujem kroj za njega. Nije li to sjajno kod učenja - konstantno ste svedok sopstvenog napretka! Još ako se bavite ovako kreativnim i opipljivim hobijem, vaše kreacije su tu kao dokaz lične evolucije. Nije loše ni imati slike i blog koji dokumentuju ceo postupak i vaše misli iz vremena kada je konkretna kreacija nastala. 

I didn't quite know how to draft a pattern for the coat at the time, so I rushed home to sketch it, trying to draw all the details as accurate as possible. The coat waited some other time to be made, the time when I would know how to draft the pattern. Isn't this great about learning - you're constantly a witness of your own progress! And if your hobby and tangible as sewing is, your creations are there to testify your personal evolution. Having pictures and a blog also comes handy to document the process and your thoughts from the time the creation was made.

Kao po običaju, evo kako mantil izgleda na meni. Ova slika vernije dočarava boje kaputa od slike iz magazina - gornja ima prenaglašen kontrast, koji sam bezuspešno pokušavala da ublažim. U svakom slučaju, moraću još koji mesec da pričekam pre nego što ponovo obučem mantil, jer je trenutno previše hladno za njega. A tada, obećavam vam dosta slika kojima ću pokazati različite načine na koje se može aranžirati kragna. 

As per usual, here's how the coat looks on me. The picture shows the colors more accurately than the one from the magazine - the later one has a heavy contrast that I couldn't tame down. Anyways, I'll have to wait for a few more months to wear the coat, as it's too cold for it now. I promise I'll post a lot of pictures then, which will demonstrate various ways the collar can be arranged.