May 7, 2012

Smaragd / Emerald

U subotu sam izašla u noćni provod sa društvom i setih se da je to odličan povod da obučem svoju smaragdno zelenu haljinu. Ranije sam se žalila kako je previše svečana, pa nemam dovoljno prilika da je nosim. I zaista, ovo je drugi put da sam je obukla od kako sam je sašila. No, shvatih usput da je jako udobna, pristojne dužine i dekoltea, kao i da nije mnogo svečanija od mnogih drugih haljina koje bez razmišljanja nosim na posao, tako da verujem da ću je ubuduće nositi mnogo češće.
Haljina je pre par meseci objavljena, zajedno sa pratećim člankom, u Sew News časopisu.
A pošto se ovih dana trudim da postavljam malo interesantnije slike, evo par iz toaleta kluba u kom sam bila.

I went on a night out on Saturday and thought it was a perfect opportunity to wear my emerald green dress. I complained earlier the dress was too dressy and I didn't have enough occasions to wear it. Really, this was my second time I wore it eve since I've made it. However, during the night I realized the dress was really comfortable, modest enough (appropriate length and cleavage), and not much dressier than the dresses I usually wear to work, so I think I'll wear it more often in the future.
The dress was featured in  Sew News magazine, along with the article about it.
And, since I'm trying to post some interesting pics, here are a few of them from the night club I was at.

Na moje oduševljenje, društvu se pridružila i moja drugarica, s kojom me često pobrkaju (znate ono kad vas opisuju u par reči, a naš opis bi bio - visoka, kovrdžava); kad videh njenu haljinu, pomislih da sam upravo dobila bliznakinju!

To my amusement, a friend of mine, who I'm frequently confused with (English speakers, please correct my sentence if needed, I have a feeling I put it all wrong!) (you know when one describes you in a couple of words, and our description would be - tall, curly hair) joined us; when I saw her dress I thought I had a twin sister!


  1. Anonymous5/07/2012

    That's a great dress! You should wear it more often. With a jacket over it, it could go anywhere. Like work.

  2. Prelepa haljina i prelepa boja
