Dec 5, 2011

Haljina Sirena na Burda Style sajtu / The Mermaid dress on Burda Style website

Danas je moja haljina, koju sam radila za Burda Style sajt, objavljena na naslovnoj strani istog, u okviru rubrike Projekat nedelje. U pitanju je varijacija kroja za haljinu iz Burda časopisa 10/2011, #116. Haljinu sam šila tokom stažiranja u Burda Style, prošlog meseca. Napravljena je od divne vune u petrolej boji, a izmene kroja koje sam napravila su poveće - menjala sam i prednje i zadnje panele, okovratnik i rukave, a centralni prednji panel sam ukrasila neobičnim kosim faltama, koje me podsećaju na rep sirene. Na sajtu možete pogledati tutorijal koji detaljno opisuje sve izmene kroja. 

The dress I made for Burda Style website is featured on the site's homepage today, within the section Project of the week. The dress is a variation of the Burda Style magazine pattern 10/2011, #116. I sewed it during my internship at Burda Style last month. It's made of gorgeous wool in petrol, having numerous pattern alterations: I changed the front and back panels, neckline and sleeves, and I trimmed the center front panel with unusual bias pleats that remind me of a mermaid tale. You can see a tutorial that describes the pattern alteration in detail on the website.

Kako sam haljinu napravila prema svojim merama, imala sam čast da budem i model za istu :). Najbolja stvar od svega je što sam haljinu mogla da zadržim po kraju stažiranja, i sada čekam odgovarajuću priliku da je obučem.

Since I made the dress according to my measurements, I modeled for it :). The best thing of all was that I kept the dress for myself when my internship was over. Now I can't wait for the right opportunity to wear it.