Dragi čitaoci, ja sam u potpunoj neverici! Sinoć sam saznala da sam se plasirala u finale TR Platforms Final 2013! U prethodnom postu sam izrazila svoju sumnju u dalji plasman, jer sam bila ubeđena da moji radovi neće biti dovoljno dobri za kvalifikacije, i da je bitno da budem realna prema samoj sebi. Izgleda da sam zapravo vrlo nerealna :D!
Od 200 kandidata iz celog sveta, koji su učestvovali u pet TR Masterklas grupa, nas 50 se kvalifikovalo u finale. Aneta Tošić iz Srbije, Divna Jurić Davidović iz Hrvatske i moja malenkost su jedine tri osobe koje predstavljaju zemlje bivše Jugoslavije na ovom takmičenju. Zato vas pozivam da nas podržite u daljem plasmanu, jer će publika imati glavnu reč ovaj put. Naime, posmatrači će birati najbolje radove, i moći će da postavljaju izazove učesnicima. Pet najboljih učesnika će biti odabrano na kraju takmičenja. Ako želite da pratite finale, lajkujte Facebook stranicu TR Platforms Final 2013. Takmičenje startuje u Februaru, tako da imate još malo vremena!

Dear readers, I can't believe what happened. I found out last night I qualified for the TR Platforms Final 2013! In the previous post I expressed a doubt regarding my further qualifications, since I was sure my works were not good enough to get me to the finals. I wanted to be realistic with myself. As it turned out, I was quite unrealistic :D!
Out of 200 candidates from all over the world, that attended one of the five TR Masterclass groups, 50 of us qualified for the finals. Aneta Tošić from Serbia, Divna Jurić Davidović from Croatia and myself are the only three persons that represent ex-YU countries in this competition. I invite you to support us in the further placement, since an audience will have the final say this time. The viewers will choose the best works and will be able to challenge the contestants. The five best participants will be selected at the end of the competition. If you want to follow the finals, click "Like" on the TR Platforms Final 2013's Facebook page. The competition starts in February, there's not much time left!