Dragi čitaoci, nije me bilo jako dugo, iako sam najavljivala velika dešavanja i još veće postove. Znate onu izreku - život je ono što vam se desi dok pravite druge planove? Mislim da sam iskusila na sopstvenoj koži kako to izgleda. Naime, imala sam zakazano venčanje za kraj avgusta, spremala se za veliki dan, a onda me viša sila omela u tome da svoje planove realizujem. Uspela sam da se razbolim 10ak dana pred venčanje, toliko gadno, da sam morala da idem u bolnicu. I tako, morali smo da pomerimo venčanje za neki drugi dan, a umesto medenog meseca smo upoznavali blagodeti bolničkog života - ja sa lica mesta, a on iz druge ruke. Ne mogu da se požalim da nam je bilo dosadno, mada nikome ne bih poželela da prođe kroz slično iskustvo.
Po izlasku iz bolnice mi je savetovano da mirujem i da ostanem na kućnom lečenju, tako da sam više od mesec dana provela bolujući, iako sam se, po dolasku kući, osećala mnogo bolje. Suočena sa ozbiljnom dokolicom, reših da prekratim vreme na najmirniji mogući način - nad šivaćom mašinom. Sašila sam nekoliko komada garderobe, nešto je još uvek u procesu pravljenja, a na pameti mi je više stvarčica koje planiram uskoro da šijem.
Dear readers, I've been away for a long time, though I had announced some big happenings and even bigger posts. But there's a saying - life's what happens while you make other plans. I think I've experienced that on my own skin. I had a wedding scheduled for the end of August, I had been getting ready for the big day, when the higher force stopped me from fulfilling my plans. I managed to get sick 10 days before the wedding, and it was bad enough to put me to the hospital. Therefore, we had to reschedule the wedding. Instead of going to the honeymoon we enjoyed in benefits of the hospital life - I from the hot spot, and he from my experience. I can't complain we had a dull time, but I wouldn't recommend this kind of experience to anyone.
After being released from the hospital I was advised to rest at home as much as possible, so I spent more than a month on a sick leave (even though I felt much better when I got home). Faced with a serious idle time, I decided to shorten the time in the most peaceful way I'd known of - by sewing. I made several garments, started sewing few more, and I have several items on my mind for the close future projects.
Ovo je jaknica rađena po modelu iz Burde 07/2005, #117. Sećam se da sam isti kroj pokušala da sašijem pre par godina, ali je jakna završila u kanti za đubre. Nešto mi tada nije odgovaralo, ali ne mogu da se setim u čemu je bio problem. Ovaj put sam krenula da šijem sa velikom dozom opreza, ali nisam imala nikakvih poteškoća tokom rada. Napravila sam par manjih izmena na kroju, kako bi mi jakna lepše stajala, vodeći računa da originalan dizajn ostane prepoznatljiv: suzila sam jaknu u ramenima, produžila rukave i produžila samu jaknu. Ostatak jakne mi je stajao kao saliven.
This is a jacket made using the BWOF 07/2005, #117 pattern. I remember trying to sew the same model few years ago, but the jacket ended up in the trash. There was something that didn't fit me right back then, but I can't remember what the problem was. This time I started with a great dose of caution, but I didn't have any issues during the work. I made a few minor fitting alterations, making sure the original design wasn't changed: I narrowed the shoulders, lengthened the sleeves and the body. The rest of the jacket fit me perfectly as it was.



Koristila sam lan protkan sjajnim nitima, pa tkanina lepo svetluca na svetlu. Da bih materijalu dala čvrtsinu potrebnu za jaknu, ojačala sam sve krojne delove lepljivim platnom, s tim što su kragna i prednji psec ojačani sa 2 sloja. Zanimljivo je da sam ovaj lan kupila sa idejom da sašijem pantalone, pa se predomislila shvativši da je materijal previše svečan za to. Odložila sam ga, ubeđena da ću jednog dana od njega napraviti neku zanimljivu haljinu. Međutim, kada sam tkaninu postavila uz žuto sivi saten koji sam kasnije kupila, shvatila sam da je lan kao stvoren za jaknu. Od satena je nastala prelepa haljina, ali o tome ćemo u nekom drugom postu....
I used a linen with shining threads in it, so the jacket sparkles nicely on light. To give the fabric enough sturdiness I interfaces all panels with a fusible interfacing (collar and front facing panels were interfaced with 2 layers of interfacing). An interesting detail is that I bought this fabric to sew a pair of pants, but I soon realized it was too fancy for it. So I put it aside convinced it would turn into a nice dress some day. Well, when I put the fabric next to the yellow-gray satin I bought later on, I realized the linen was destined to become a jacket. The satin turned into a gorgeous dress, but we'll talk about it in some other post...