Nestrpljivo čekajući sledeći zadatak za
TR masterklas, morala sam nečim da uposlim ruke, pa sam uzela da šijem haljinu. Trenutno izgleda ovako - fale joj rajsferšlus, rukavi, postava, porub. Haljina je zamalo završila u kanti, jer sam bila nezadvoljna njenim izgledom pre no što je prošla kroz ozbiljan makeover proces.
While impatiently waiting for the next TR Masterclass task, I had to make my hands busy with something, so I started sewing a dress. Currently it looks like this - it needs a zipper, sleeves, lining, hemming. The dress almost ended in a trash, because I hated haw it looked before the extreme makeover.
Ne znam da li se vama dešava da ste preplavljeni gomilom ideja, i da ne možete da se odlučite koju da odaberete i realizujete. Mene ovakvi momenti povremeno dohvate i u takvim situacijama najčešće odustanem od bilo kakvog rada, jer nisam u stanju da se skoncentrišem. Međutim, ovaj put sam MORALA nešto da šijem (to je ona grozničava potreba da uposlite ruke, kao da vam život zavisi od toga), pa sam uspela da odaberem, čini mi se, najgoru od svih ideja koje su mi se vrzmale po glavi.
Dakle, htela sam da napravim haljinu od materijala koji imam već neko vreme. Tkanina, kao što vidite, ima zmijski print, koji je za moj ukus pomalo riskantan i spada u kategoriju nezgodnih dezena, tj. ukoliko se ne iskoristi na dobar način. Nisam znala kako da malo "umirim zmiju" sve dok nisam, pukim slučajem, stavila materijal do maslinasto - braonkastog pamuka koji sam nedavno kupila. Tada mi je sinulo da bi par detalja u kontrastnom materijalu umirilo divljinu printa.
Do you have those moments when you're overwhelmed with a bunch of ideas and you can't decide which one to materialize? Well, I suffer from these moments from time to time, and in these situations I usually give up on any work, due to lack of concentration. However, this time I HAD to sew something (you know that agonizing need to keep your hands busy, as if your life depend on it), so I managed to pick the worst of all ideas that I had.
So, I wanted to make a dress using a fabric I had had in my stash for some time. The fabric, as you see, has a snake print, which is IMHO a bit risky and in a category of those fabrics that don't forgive wrong choice of garment style. I had no idea how to "tame the snake" until I, quite coincidentally, put the fabric next to the olive-brownish cotton from a recent purchase. It was then that I realized that a few details in a contrasting fabric would calm down a bit the wilderness of the print.

Sa tom idejom na pameti, krenula sam da smišljam kroj koji bi najbolje ukombinovao dva materijala. I, u svemu tome, uspela dam da odaberem najgori mogući :-). Krenula sam od
Nora haljine, tj. njene varijacije koju sam šila prošle godine. Varijacija je lepa, nemojte pogrešno da me razumete, ali ne u kombinaciji koju sam ja odabrala. Iskrojila sam rukave od jednobojnog materijala, a prednje i zednje delove bluze od tkanine sa printom. Ova kombinacija ni na koji način nije umirila zmjski print, već je ga je naglasila na užasan način. Izgledala sam kao da sam ukombinovala Star Trek uniformu sa zmijskom kožom. Nimalo elegantno niti ženstveno, već kostimirano.
Having that idea on my mind, I started thinking of a pattern that would combine the two fabrics the best. While brainstorming of it, I managed to choose the worst possible pattern :-). I started with the Nora dress (that is - its variation), that I made last year. Don't get me wrong, I like the variation, but not in the combination I chose. I cut the sleeves out of the plain fabric and the bodice out of the snake print. The combination did not tame the snake print, but enhanced it instead, in an awful way. I looked as if I mixed Star Trek uniform with a snake skin. Not elegant nor feminine, but costumed like.

Potpuno užasnuta rezultatom, napravila sam haos od dnevne sobe dok nisam našla rešenje. U par navrata apsolutne histerije, haljina je zamalo završila u kanti. Ne bi mi ovo bio prvi neuspeli poduhvat. Imam ih zapravo mnogo više nego što to možda izgleda, jer izbegavam da pišem o sopstvenom fijasku - previše sam sujetna da bih priznala da mi se i to dešava :-). Ipak, u ovom slučaju, nisam želela da bacim materijal koji mi se jako sviđao, i koji sam mesecima merkala za neku lepu haljinu. To nije bila opcija koju sam sebi mogla da dopustim. I tako, haos u sobi je smirio haos u glavi... Našla sam kroj koji sam mogla da ukombinujem sa iskrojenim delovima Nora haljine -
Burda 5/2011, #128. Izmenila sam Nora haljinu, pa sam izmenila varijaciju Nora haljine, pa prešla na treći kroj, koji sam takođe menjala.... sve u svemu, ova haljina biće pravi bućkuriš, ili kako na engleskom zovu ovakvke krojeve - Frankenpattern.
Bučkuriš ili ne, meni se sada haljina sviđa! A to je najbitnije... Na slikama možete videti kako stoji na lutki. Iznenađujuće, na slikama se ne vidi koliko je lutki ova haljina velika - u struku i kukovima. Velika joj je i na grudima, ali sam navukla na lutku brushalter sa punjenjem, pa sam joj malo popunila poprsje.
Sve u svemu, za koji dan planiram da završim haljinu, nadam se da će biti gotova za subotnji rođendan na koji idem.
Being completely horrified by the result, I made a chaos in my living room until I reached a solution to the problem. In a few moments of total hysteria, the dress almost ended in a trash bin. This wouldn't be my first failure. Actually, I have more waders than you might think, but I avoid writing about them - I guess I am too wain to admit I have these moments too :-). However, in this case I didn't want to toss away the fabric I liked so much; that wasn't an option. So, the chaos in my living room stopped the chaos in my head... I found a pattern I could combine with the cut out pieces of the Nora dress - BWOF 5/2011, #128. I altered the Nora dress, then I changed the variation of the Nora dress, then I used a third pattern that was also altered... all in all, this dress will be a true Frankenpattern.
Frankenpattern or not, I like the dress now! That's the most important thing.. You can see on pictures how the dress looks on my dress form. Surprisingly, you can't see how big the dress is on the dummy.
I plan finishing the dress in a couple of days, hopefully by Saturday, as I planned wearing it on a birthday party I'm going to.