Feb 18, 2011

SewNews kolumna i u 2012. godini / The SewNews column in 2012

Dragi čitaoci, upravo sam dobila lepe vesti od urednice časopisa SewNews. Moja kolumna, Pattern Play, je pozitivno ocenjena od strane čitalaca časopisa, tako da će moja saradnja sa pomenutim magazinom biti nastavljena i u 2012. godini. 
Ellen, urednica časopisa, i ja smo se već dogovorile o sadržaju budućih članaka, ali vam neću otkriti sve detalje :-).

Dear readers, I've just got some good news from the SewNews magazine's editor. My column, Pattern Play, was well rated by the magazine's readers, and my collaboration with the named magazine will continue in the year 2012.
Ellen, the magazine's editor, and I already defined the contents of the future articles, but I'm not going to reveal all the details :-).


  1. Anonymous2/18/2011

    Great news! Congratulations!

  2. Anonymous2/19/2011

    Divno ,Ana !
    Čestitam i samo napred! :)

  3. Anonymous2/26/2011

    It's always a pleasure to see your work! Now, i'm looking for more on the magazine, CONGRATULATIONS!
