Sep 5, 2011

SSS '11 - Dani 2., 3. i 4. / Days 2, 3, and 4

Dan drugi.
Potpuno sumanuto, uspela sam da se razbolim! Probudila sam se sa bolom u grlu i blagom temperaturom. Jedini izlazak iz kuće je bio odlazak kod lekara (koji mi je prepisao 5 penicilin injekcija), i tom prilikom nosila sam bele lanene pantalone. Slika ispod zapravo nije uslikana pre neki dan, već u Junu, ali je odevna kombinacija koju sam ovog nemilog dana obukla identična ovoj na slici.

Day two.
Completely insanely - I managed to get sick! I woke up with sore throat and mild fever. The only coming-out from the house was a visit to the doctor's (who prescribed me 5 penicillin shots), when I wore the white linen pants. The picture below wasn't taken 2 days ago, but in June, but my outfit from the other day was the exact same as the one on the pic.

Dan treći.
Na moju sreću, penicilin deluje munjevitom brzinom, i već posle prve injekcije sam se osetila mnogo bolje. Čak sam dozvolila sebi da izađem uveče, a evo šta sam nosila. Napomena - suknja nije mojih ruku delo.

Day three.
Luckily, the penicillin had an instant effect and I felt much better after the first shot. I even got out in the evening, and here's what I wore. Disclaimer: the skirt was not self made.

Dan četvrti.
Crvena suknja sa rastpoljenim tufnama. Pitam se, da li je dizajner dezena tkanine bio inspirisan Dalijevim Mekim satovima?

Day four.
The red skirt with melted polka dots. I wonder whether the fabric designer was inspired by Dali's Melted watches?


  1. Brz oporavak ,sve ostalo sam rekla !

  2. Anonymous9/07/2011

    Very interesting. Congratulations!
