Sep 23, 2013

Sew News za October - November 2013 / Sew News for October - November 2013

Dobih pre neki dan novi broj Sew News časopisa, za Oktobar / Novembar 2013, u kom je objavljen moj članak o veoma zanimljivim pantalonama koje sam šila pretprošle godine. Pantalone na pojasu imaju neobičan detalj u vidu revera, a široke nogavice imaju falte koje se otvaraju iznad kolena.
Članak u časopisu daje detaljna uputstva kako da prepravite kroj za klasične pantalone u ovaj kroj.

I got a new issue of Sew News October / November 2013 a couple of days ago, which features my article about a pair of really interesting pants I made back in 2011. The pants have an unusual detail on the waist - lapels, and the wide legs have knife pleats that open above knees.

Evo kako pantalone izgledaju na meni. Moram da priznam, sada kada ih gledam, nisu baš najbolje skrojene, i vidim kako se platno ružno zateže na preponama. To sam mogla i bolje da odradim, ali mislim da mi je u momentu kada sam ih šila najbitnije bilo da dokažem sebi da je ovakav kroj izvodiv i da ja to mogu, nego da podesim pantalone da mi stoje savršeno. Šteta, jer su baš šik! Ovde možete videti serijal postova koje sam pisala dok sam modelovala i šila pantalone.

Here's how the pants look on me. I have to admit, now that I look at them, they don't fit me well and there's a lot of pulling going on at the crotch. I should've fixed this, but I think that at the moment of sewing, my major concern was to prove myself that this pattern is doable, and that I can draft it, rather than to fit them perfectly. Too bad, they're quite fancy! You can read a series of posts I wrote while drafting the pattern and sewing here.


  1. Wow, what a unique and sophisticated design. Great job!

  2. Your design reminds me a bit of the Burda High Waist Trousers 2/2013#111. You were ahead of your time in 2011. ;-)
    If I understand correctly there is as yet no pattern to buy?

  3. Anonymous9/23/2013

    They look great. You amaze me.

  4. They are very interesting! The design is great.

  5. I love the detail on the front panel of the pants.
